

General Properties For Objects 

Disable Qsave

The object's current state is not saved. It will always load in its original state.

Never Sleeps

The object is never considered to be sleeping, i.e. immobilized and doing nothing.

Force Realtime

The object never postpones its updates.

Cull Distance

Each renderable object has this parameter. It allows you to completely disable any object by a certain distance. This is very helpful for fuzzy indoor areas where portals are not possible or inefficient.

  • For example, many of our decoration props inside destroyed wooden houses have this parameter set to 70 meters.
  • After setting it, make sure you do a thorough test review of this location by moving the camera back and forth to check, if there is any noticeable popping.
  • Be careful when copying objects from one location to another – they may have this parameter set which is not suitable for the new area.

You can do mathematical calculations in all cells with numerical input. For example, you can write 270/3+50 and the result will be calculated once you press "Enter".

This is useful for when you need to change several properties (for example, RGB) while keeping proportions (e.g. 0.965/3, 0.754/3, 0.356/3). Or if you need to rotate an object by an additional 180°. For example, your object might have an existing rotation of 138.56°. In this case, you can simply enter +180.

Random Rotation

You can set limits to constrain results of random rotation. For example, you might want to allow rotation on your trees in full 360° on the Y axis, whereas you might want to limit their rotation to just 5° on the X axis so that they don't grow upside down.

After customizing the random limits, you can enable the Allow Random Align (Ctrl+T or via the button on the panel near other Aligns). When you drag objects with "random rotation/scale", they will randomly rotate and scale within your limits.

When you use the "paste here" function (Alt+V), your pasted object receives a uniquely random transformation.

Random Scale

The multiplier that applies to all three axes at once.


You can see, if the object is a child of a parent. And you can change the parent. When you perform this change, there is an option to either keep the object in place or reposition it relatively to a new parent.


A class where different types can co-exist. For example, the objects dummy and effect are in the same class but they have different sets of properties and belong to different types of objects.

Static Data Key

Name of the object type. One class might have several different types. For example, you can create several weapons of the same type. They will have the same set of static properties but their values will be different.


The editor group name (optional).

Bounding Size

The AABB (axis-aligned bounding box) size.


The tag assigned by the user.

Lock Transform

This locks the object's movement, scaling, and rotation. When the map reloads, this will automatically unlock.

Lock to Heightmap

The layer on which the object lies.

Fixed BBLocks the bounding box size for the object in the editor.
Fixed BB Ext

The amount of meters on each axis to increase the bounding box.

Force Draw/Pick BBDraws the object bounding box.
Visible for Outdoor Map

If enabled, the objects are treated as visible when the terrain map is generated.

Visible for Light Probe

If enabled, the objects are treated as visible when the light prop is generated.

Accept Snap

If enabled, this allows snapping for the object.

PPS Enabled

Enables per pixel selection for the object.

UI Tag (Debug only)

This tag is drawn over the object in the game. It's commonly used to highlight NPCs, important objects, invisible dummies, etc. (for debugging).

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