Level Setup

Level Setup


The map is a collection of meshes, lights, characters, codes, etc. that work together to create a level.

Maps/levels are the core of any game. They can vary from small interior environments to large open-world landscapes.


Everything you add to your level should be inside the layer. By default, every level should have "primary" and "static" layers. Layers are the most powerful tool to organize your levels and to work on them with multiple team members.

You can add, delete, and rename a layer. Also, you can create folders for organizational purposes.

All layers are saved in the map source location (e.g.: engine/content/maps/your_map/...) into a respective *.LUA file. This way it's easy to make backups and share levels.


To create a new level:

  1. Run the editor.
  2. Open an empty level.
  3. Save the level.
  4. The level should be saved somewhere under .../content/maps/...

Inside that folder, you should be able to find what the level is composed of:

  • Locations Folder: all locations of that map (check Editor Layout).
  • Source Folder: source folder for Super Static (check Super Static).
  • Static Folder.
  • Lprobes Folder.
  • Terrain Folder: source folder for terrain textures (check Terrain).
  • Layers: all layers for your level.
  • Level.lua and Setting.lua files:  files containing the level's metadata i.e. the Layers' List, default weather presets, etc.

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