How to Start

How to Start

  1. You must own a copy of Metro Exodus (2019) or Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition on Steam, GOG, or Epic Games Store, and have it installed on your PC.

  2. Download Exodus SDK as a Tool (for Steam) or Additional Content (for GOG and Epic Games Store).

  3. Then:

  • Steam: you will now be able to access Exodus SDK as a Tool and launch it from Steam.

  • Epic Games Store: find sdk>bin_x64 folder in the Metro Exodus game folder and launch Exodus_SDK.exe.

  • GOG: you can launch Exodus SDK from the launcher (Additional Executables → SDK).

We recommend installing the SDK on your SSD rather than HDD – this will improve your experience with the engine:

  1. it brings higher stability to the engine's workflow.

  2. it launches the mods, levels, and the editor significantly faster.

  3. it allows for a speedier creation of mods.

How to Download and Upload Mods:


  1. Create an account on mod.io.

  2. Find the Metro Exodus page on the website. You can also browse mods from the SDK launcher directly.

  3. Find a mod that you like and download it (don’t forget to read the description by the mod’s creator for additional information!).

  4. Extract mod to any folder on your PC.

  5. Open Exodus_SDK.exe → Add Existing mod → Write the mod’s name.

  6. Select the mod in the window.

  7. Press “Launch Editor”.


  1. Create an account on mod.io.

  2. Find the Metro Exodus page on the website. Alternatively, you can press the “Upload” button in the Exodus SDK launcher and it will open the page where you will have a chance to upload the mod.

  3. On the website, fill all required fields and give info about your mod.

  4. Before uploading your mod, compress it into a Zip archive (the entire folder).

How to Create Mods:

  1. Launch Exodus_SDK.exe.

  2. Put a tick next to a map where you would like to create a new mod.

  3. Click “Create Mod” and select a folder for it.

  4. Enter the new mod’s name.

  5. Remove all ticks and click “Yes”.

6. Wait until the new build is created.

7. Now you can launch your own mod and start experimenting with it!


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Exodus SDK © 2005-2023, 4A Games Limited. Developed by 4A Games®.
4A Games® is a registered trademark, and 4A Games Limited, Exodus SDK and their respective logos are trademarks of 4A Games Limited.
Published by Deep Silver. Deep Silver is a division of PLAION GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver and Plaion are registered trademarks of PLAION GmbH.
Metro Exodus is inspired by the internationally best-selling novels METRO 2033 and METRO 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovsky.
All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
By using this site, downloading or using the Exodus SDK or related content, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the End User License Agreement.