Launching the Editor

Launching the Editor


Mod Manager 

Mods (short for "modification") are self-contained addons for the base game.

Mods can be packaged with the Exodus SDK launcher and uploaded to Mod.io where other users can download them.

List of mods

The list of mods (every mod has a separate work directory, i.e. separate content with its own cache).

The list is located in the file "modes_metadata.csv", one level higher than the binaries. If there is no file, the launcher will create a new mod project with the name "exodus", one level above the binaries.

Create Mod

Creates a new mod in the selected directory, including maps you have selected from the list, along with resources used by those maps. If possible, the "000" map will be included.

Add Existing Mod

Adds the selected directory, including its content and cache, to the list.

Build Mod

Builds the selected maps in the necessary directory. If the directory is different to the directory of the current mod, then it will create a new copy of the mod.

Delete Mod

Removes the selected mod(s).


The file path to the current mod directory.

Level List

The Level List which is located in the current mod and can run in Exodus SDK.

If the map is marked by [built], this means the map is built and you can run it without Exodus SDK.

Command Line 

This string contains additional parameters for running Exodus SDK.

Launch Tab 


Opens the link to documentation.

Launch editorLaunches the selected level(s) in the Editor Mode.
Launch game Launches the built level(s) in the Mixed Mode.
UploadRedirects to the website where you can upload the mods to.
BrowseRedirects to the website where you can download the mods from.
CloseCloses the launcher.


RMB Utils 

Expand AllExpands all lists.
Collapse AllCollapses all lists.
Check AllSets check marks to all mods.
Uncheck AllRemoves check marks from all mods.
Filter Shows/hides filter toolbar.
Checked OnlyShows mods only with check marks.

First Launch

  1. Run the launcher. 
  2. Select the mod (by default it is "main"). 

  3. Select a map in the level list. 

  4. Click "Launch Editor" to load it. 

  5. If you want to launch in the "Mixed Mode", you need to close Exodus SDK and build the necessary map(s) in the launcher

  6. After you've created your mod, you can launch it as a game. Click Launch Game, then go to "Chapters". You will then be able to start your mod.

    You must always build the "000" map, if you want to launch the game.

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