Properties (Level Editor)

Properties (Level Editor)


This is where you can access and set up properties, settings, and various parameters of:

  • Object  properties of the selected object or objects in the scene.
  • Tool  properties, settings, and various parameters of Exodus SDK itself.
  • Console  a list of all available console commands in Exodus SDK.

The Find field allows you to perform a quick search by entering  fully or partially  the name of the property or value that you're looking for.

Both the name of the property and its value can be searched for via the Find field.
For example, if you have an entity that has its model set to dynamic\objects\barrels\barrel_001, you can find it by using search terms such as entity, model, or barrel.


Find filter This is where you type in what you are looking for.
Х button

Cancel typing.

It is VERY easy to forget about clearing the Find field and then spend minutes wondering where all the properties are!
So, be sure to clear it up from any words or letters after locating the property you have been looking for. What you type into this field works as a filter, showing you only a handful of properties, that correspond to filter.
Use the |X| button or your Del key on a keyboard to clear the field.

Shows only the properties that were changed.

Properties for level 

To enable, use the shortcut CTRL+D.



Current rotation of the editor camera.

PositionCurrent position of the editor camera.

Level Startup



Starting weather preset (can be changed by scripts).

Day Start

Base time of the day when the editor starts/game begins (can be changed by scripts).

Day Duration

How much "real-time" it takes for 24 in-game hours to elapse.



Foliage set. You can change this in the Foliage Manager.

FuzzinessThe coefficient that defines how much strict color-picking rules there are in the foliage.

Preset Count

The number of maps presets for your level.

Preset #0,1,..10

Box Anchor 1

Bottom left map point coordinates.

Box Anchor 2

Top right map point coordinates.

Box PreviewRenders the map rectangle in the scene.
Icon Menu Sets the icon set to be used for tasks on a player's map (on the reverse side of the tablet).

Box Rotation

Menu's rotation (degrees).

Tablet model

The model that will be applied on the player's map when the game/level starts.

Next Level

Exodus SDK levels are connected in a linear way (with some exceptions such as the main menu). This means that every level has a variable to set the next level that should load when the function is used.

Background Music

Starting background music.

Player MigrationRules

Rules that are applied to the player on "nextlevel".


Maploader – shows a map with narrative text, voice, and music, while the level is loading. 

Press Any Key

Option to wait for the player's input before hiding the maploader.


Odometer that shows the player's distance travelled which serves as a save icon (when the game is saved).

Fade Time

Maploader fading out time.


Background music of the maploader.

FalloffMusic decay time after the level has loaded.

Volume of the music.

Way Sound
The "way sound" plays when the path animation on the maploader is finished. This indicates the level has finished loading and the player can proceed.

Way sound decay time.


Volume of the way sound.

VoiceDelay Delay after start loading (in seconds).

Narrative voice decay time after the level has finished loading.


Volume of the narrative voice.


The title of the narrative text in the maploader.


Delay for the narrative text to appear on the maploader (in seconds).


Particle effects that will appear on the maploader.

Progress DurationPath animation length.
Menu NameA necessary menu for the maploader.

Set of narratives assigned as a voice for the maploader. Only one set can be active at a time. A set consists of a text message, name-id, and a number of sound files.

Narrative 0000,0001,...,etc.AddAdds a new narrative.
RemoveRemoves the selected narrative.
TextThe text that will appear on the maploader.
NameName of the narrative.
VoicesVoice acting of the selected narrative.

Properties copy / paste

You can copy and paste sections of properties between objects:

  • Select the first object, navigate to properties, right-click on your chosen property section (e.g. “Light”, “PhysX”, “ Color”, etc.), and select Copy.
  • Select the second object, navigate to properties, right-click on the same property section, and choose “Paste”.

RMB Utils

Selected Objects by Property

Selects all objects that share the same value of the selected property as the value of the selected object.
Select Exposed CaptionOutdated
Expose Property
Entities Filter
  • Adds Objects by Property  adds all objects with the same property and value to the Entity filter window.
  • Removes Objects by Property  deletes all objects with the same property and value to the Entity filter window.
Reset to Default Resets property to the default.
CopyCopies the value to the selected property.
Paste Pastes the value to the selected property.
Export Properties Outdated
Import Properties Outdated
Edit Hint Edits a hint for the selected property. Hints are stored here: tools/editor/meta/props_metadata.lua
Show Description Displays hints for the selected property on a separate panel.
Add to Highlight List Adds the selected property to the highlight list.
Remove from Highlight ListRemoves the selected property from the highlight list.
Show Highlighted Only If enabled, this will show only highlighted properties.
Edit Custom CaptionAllows you to rename a property.
Clear Custom Caption Resets the name of the property to default.
Disable Custom Captions Disables the display of custom captions.
Show Advanced Filter Enables the display of an advanced filter. This shows a list of all properties sorted into categories which will appear above the search bar.

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Metro Exodus is inspired by the internationally best-selling novels METRO 2033 and METRO 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovsky.
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