


Here you will find general options for the editor. Some options will vary depending on the Editor Modes.


Find filter This is where you type in what you are looking for.
Х button

Cancel typing.

It is VERY easy to forget about clearing the Find field and then spend minutes wondering where all the properties are!
So, be sure to clear it up from any words or letters after locating the property you have been looking for. What you type into this field works as a filter, showing you only a handful of properties, that correspond to filter.
Use the |X| button or your Del key on a keyboard to clear the field.

Shows only the properties that were changed.

Scene Options


Super TipBy hovering the cursor over a surface for a second, you can find out more information on the model, texture, lights, materials. This is a feature called Super Tip. This can perform slowly while working with particles or other animations. You can disable it to improve performance. When disabled, you can invoke this command by holding Ctrl for one second.

Properties Tip

By hovering the cursor over a property, you can reveal more detailed information with the Properties Tip Delay.

Properties Tip Delay (ms)

Delay in milliseconds before the Properties Tip appears. 

On Load Hints

Helpful hints that are displayed on the progress window while the map loads.


Clip hint icons (over decals, scripts, etc.).

  • Clip.
  • Draw (show hint icons on certain entities such as scripts, covers).

Static Material 

Hovering the cursor will reveal information about the static material.

Dynamic Material

Hovering the cursor will reveal information about the dynamic material.

Affecting Lights 

Hovering the cursor will reveal information about the affecting lights.

Highlight Object 

Will show a hint when objects are highlighted.



Notify File Changing

A notification will appear when you change files in your project.

Load ConfirmationA notification will appear to confirm whether you want to reload your level.
Delete ConfirmationA notification will appear to confirm that you want to delete an object.
Apply Weather from Dropped ScreenshotsIf enabled or set to "Ask every time", dragging a screenshot into the viewport (Scene#Locations) will set the weather in your scene to match that screenshot.
Draw GridDraw a debugging grid in the scene.
Draw Histogram

The histogram allows you to see the distribution of brightness in the current frame. It is important for approving correct lighting regardless of the monitor settings or brightness in your work environment.

  • If the histogram is dominated by black (where the majority of the graph is concentrated in the lower 20%), then this will be a problem on all screens.
  • If the histogram shows most of the graph in the middle, yet you are making a stealth zone, this means that your environment is overexposed.

The histogram is divided into two panels. The left panel is before post-processing and camera adaptation. The right panel is after post-processing and adaptation. 

Shapes Draw Mode
  • Solid.
  • Wire – Recommended.
  • Wire Top.

This is useful for viewing editorial volumes. In different modes, it is drawn in different ways.

Visible Shapes OpacityTransparency of visible debugging forms.
Invisible Shapes OpacityTransparency of invisible debugging forms.
Camera Slow Turn

Сamera rotates ten times slower.

Undo Levels

Size of the undo stack.

Recent Files Limit

Recent files stack size.

Energy Save Timeout

Idle time before the application goes to sleep (in milliseconds).

Activate Window on Load


Move Selection on Delete Outdated.
Always Ask Before Deleting Exposed


Mouse Sensitivity

Mouse sensitivity.

SpinEdit Increment

Delta applied to the property value when pressing arrow buttons in the property grids (global value: by default, each value has its own increment).

Use Global SpinEdit Inc

Uses the global increment from SpinEdit Increment.

Relative Rotation Rotation with other logic.
Right Mouse Movement

Allows you to use RMB to move objects.

Right Mouse Clone

Allows you to clone by dragging with LMB + RMB (default mode is CTRL + LMB).

Persist Manipulators

Draws scale/rotate/move manipulators when all other editor rendering is disabled.

Show Color Stat

Shows the cursor color stats on the bottom panel.

Auto Backup

Create autobackups

Interval (minutes)Creates auto backups every N minutes. 
Number of Backups

Amount of backups stored. If at full capacity, it will remove the oldest backup to create a new backup.




Applies the squint camera track.

Enable FOV

Enables Field of View.

FOVValue for the Field of View.
Custom Textures Path

Custom path to texture sources, used during reveal in explorer operations.

Custom Image Editor Path

Allows you to customize the path to the necessary Image Editor for opening the textures.

If this field is empty, the textures will open in Adobe Photoshop.

Explore In

Specific program to use for reveal in explorer operations (e.g. total commander).

Pause on Covers Done

When activating the game mode, this is an additional confirmation box that pauses the game once it has calculated the cover system.

Render Inactive

Shows COVERS and other debug information not only in the Scene Mode but also in the Navigation Mode. Very useful when fixing the navmesh, if covers are already present on it.

Incremental Ray Select

Sometimes objects may be located in the same coordinates, with several objects overlapping each other which prevents you from easily selecting them.

By default, the object closest to the camera will be selected with an LMB click.
You can use the Incremental Ray Select option to select objects in the order of distance from the cursor.

PPS Enabled

Per pixel selection.

Pick Readonly By PropertyAllows you to Select Objects by Property.
Highlight Selected

All Selected objects are rendered as highlighted.

Highlight Blink

ColorAnim is used to highlight animated objects.

Clone Confirmation Message


Spawn Tool Delete Confirmation


Rename Confirmation

When renaming an object in the editor, this allows you to see the list of VS blocks that reference the object by name.

Preview Add Object

Instant spawn or preview-dragging when spawning an object.

Highlight Banned

Highlights objects that use banned models or textures.

Highlight Instances

Memory Min, %

Will be highlighting only the props (effects or entities) which occupy at least the "Min" % of the memory.

Memory Max, %Will only highlight the props (effects or entities) that occupy no more than the "Max" % of the memory.
Grade 0,1,2,3Refs <=The instances count of static props (effects or entities) less than which will be highlighted on the level.

Color can be customized by the Color Picker.

Deferred Object List

This will not update the object list panel unless it is in focus.


Resolution Factor

Scales resolution.

Fixed Resolution

Picks resolution from the predefined list.



Auto Rebuild Shaders

While the editor is running, this rebuilds shaders when they are changed.

Force Full Shader on Update

This disables default shader placeholders while compiling shaders in the background. Instead, it will wait for the shader compilation to finish.



Move Sensitivity

Mouse sensitivity (moving camera).

Rotate Sensitivity

Mouse sensitivity (rotating camera).


The degree of the camera movement smoothing.



Offset by Normal  Global snap props.

Vertex Snap Distance
Edge Snap Distance




Forced Resolution

Used for taking screenshots.

  • Width
  • Height
  • Factor
HQ Screenshot Iterations
Save as TGA
Disable Reflection Fade

Forced Resolution

Used for recording video.

  • Width
  • Height
  • Factor
HQ Screenshot Iterations
Save as TGA
Disable Reflection Fade



Foliage Push

Debug, uses the cursor to push foliage aside (as though a character is walking through).

Water Waves

Debug, uses the cursor to create ripples on water.



UsedWhen recalculating AO with the Radeon-Rays library, you can choose which GPU to use.

Debug Draw

Skeleton Draws the selected entity's skeleton.
Bound Sphere

Draws the selected entity's debugging bound sphere.

Spatial Sphere

Draws the selected entity's debugging spatial sphere.
Collision FormDraws the selected entity's debugging collision form.

 Highlights different materials on the scene with different colors.

  • Off
  • Superstatic Only
  • Entity Only
  • All.

Materials Distance

Clip distance for the highlighted materials in the scene.


Shows a name for the selected objects.

Name Distance Clip distance for displaying names for the selected objects.
Debug Particles

Draws debug particles on the selected effect objects.

Lamp Source Size

Marks Lamp Objects with spheres the size of the light's emitter.

Scrs Simple View

Simplified view of the skeleton debug (to enable, write the console command scrs_debug1).

Mental State

Draws the mental state debug on the NPC.

Draw Entity Spheres

Marks every object with a red sphere.

Draw Entity Crosses

Marks every object with a small cross.

Cull Dist

Clip the entities' debug drawing by cull distance.


Draws the selected entities' outlines.

Player Collidable

Player's collision debug (phv_mc_collidable_flag console command).

  • Dist

Clip distance for the player's collision debug.


Autolink Patrol Points

Autolink patrol points on creation.

Duplicate Object Tolerance

Precision used for comparing objects' positions.


"Script" Button Opens Selection

If disabled, the button Script will open the scripts window with previously opened tabs. If enabled, the scripts of the selected objects will also open.

Save/Load Opened Tabs

If enabled, this remembers the last open tabs in the VS Editor and opens them next time.

Ask Before Opening Multiple Scripts

If enabled, it will prompt you when you open multiple scripts at once.

Snap Blocks

Aligns blocks to the grid.

Force Full Caption

Disables view info clipping on the blocks.

Undo Block Movement

Creates undo items on block movement.

Show Debug Counters

Draws received/sent signals count on nodes' inputs/outputs.

Signal Delete Confirmation

Warns about removing signals from the VS.

"All Blocks" VS Refs (very slow)If enabled, the All Blocks window blocks from the VS-refs will also be displayed. But don't forget that this can dramatically impact performance. 
Simple Delay Info

The delay block uses a simplified time format.

Remove Selected LinksAlways removes selected blocks (if the option is disabled, it only removes the selected blocks even if some links are selected).
Auto Preview Sound

Preview sound when selecting Action Play Sound in the vs diagram.


Shows a hint on vs blocks.

Hint Delay (ms)Delay the hint on vs blocks (in milliseconds).
Subscripts In Nodes

Adds all blocks from subscripts into the blocks panel.

Signal references In Nodes

Adds all the signal references into the blocks panel.

Diagram Info

Additional info displayed on vs diagram (current subscript, etc.).

Debug AutoZoom

Every time the selected object is changed in the VS Diagram, this option will optimize the layout so that the nodes are centered on the screen.


Preview Draw

Preview the cover's debugging info.

Preview End Pose

Preview the end animation pose.

Preview Motion Delay

Delay for the preview animation.

Autolink Forward

Forward autolink cover when creating a new one.

Autolink Backward

Backward autolink cover when creating a new one.

Auto Xform

Calculates the final cover position from the selected animation.


Debug DrawDecal exporter's debugs.
Realtime Refresh

Refreshes decal on every transform.

Max Decimate Error

Special QSlim decimator params section (only for debugging purpose).

Boundary Weight
Compactness Ratio
Meshing Penalty
Placement Policy
Weighting Policy
Vertex Degree Limit
Local Validity Threshold
Meshing Angle Threshold

Navigation Options 

Obstacles Snap H Range

PathEngine horizontal snap distance.

Obstacles Snap V Range

PathEngine vertical snap distance.

Render Inactive

Draws navigation even while not in the Navigation Mode.

Render PE

Draws the PathEngine geometry.

PE Agent Size

PathEngine Agent Size (for simulation).

PE Agent Speed

PathEngine Agent Speed (for simulation).



Draws geometry.


Enables Vertex selecting.


Enables Edge selecting.


Enables Face selecting.


Enables Snap to Vertex.


Enables Snap to Edge.


Enables Snap to Face.


Enables Snap to Object in the scene.

Edge Distance

Edge snap distance.

Vertex Distance

Vertex snap distance.


Draws on top of the whole scene.


Draws mesh with small bias.

EditFan Create

Creates a new tri in the Fan mode.

Drop Up Offset

Drop Up offset while in the drop down mode.

Drop Down Distance

Drop down range.

Nearest Z

Bias for nearer rendering.


Draws a border on open edges.


Height of the border.

GenerationEdge Length

Max edge length for geometry generation.

Edge Ratio In Tri

Edge ratio for geometry generation.

Colors Tri Selected

Color for the selected tri.

RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Override by Mtl

Override the selected color by the material color.

Tri Locked

Color for the locked tri.

RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Vert Selected

Color for the selected vertex.

RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Vert Normal

Color for a normal vertex.

RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Vert Empty
Color for an unassigned vertex.
RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Vert L-Selected
Color for the last selected vertex.
RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Edge Selected
Color for the selected edge.
RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Edge Normal
Color for the normal edge.
RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Edge Open
Color for the open edge.
RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Color for the border.
RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.

Flares Options

Debug Draw

Draws a debug.


Draws flares with special debugging glowing shaders.

Overdraw Scale

Size scale for the special debugging glowing shaders.

Isolate Mode

Draws only the preview flare.

Edit Transform

Preview flare's xform.

Particles Options 

Auto PlayPlays particles upon selecting the object.

Effect Auto Restart

Automatically restarts the effect when the properties have changed.


(the same options as in the Particles Mode)

Force Constrained

Renders particles with the Constrained mode.

Ignore Rotation

Resets parent rotation for render particles.

Global Restart

Restarts all particles in the loaded level.

HUD Mode

Draws particles in the HUD Mode.

PP Enabled

Enables Post Process in particles rendering.

Isolate ModeTurns off all other scene particles in the Particle Mode.
System Only

Shows filtered effects in the Effects Tab used in the selected system only.

Preview Modif

Applies the selected Modifier to the current System or Effect.

Force End

Immediately stops particles by the end time (instead of stopping only the birth of new particles).

Parent Color
The parent color. When playing particles from an object or a script, we can force the particle color. This property is used to simulate that situation in the editor.
RGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of color.

Shows particles name.


Shows current AABB.


Shows particles in the wire mode.


Displays particles Overdraw.


Opacity of each particle in the Overdraw mode.

Model Options 

Model Editor

HUD View

Switch to the HUD camera mode.

HUD View Locator

The HUD camera mod locator.


Snap To FrameThe cursor in the motion preview's track bar will snap to integer values.


Texture PresetDynamic values that can change on a model during gameplay.

Sound Scheme
AUX Value
DAO Value
Show Fur ReplacersShows fur replacer meshes.
Show Vertex ColorShows the vertex's color.


PositionPreview values for the Model Editor.



Draw Debug

On/off debug rendering.

Draw Model

On/off model rendering.

Preview Part Selection

Debugs draw parts.


Debugs draw bones or shells.

Draw Bones

Debugs draw bones.

Draw Phys Shells

Debugs draw shells.
Draw Phys Links

Debugs draw phys links.

Draw Phys Centers of MassDebugs draw Centers Of Mass.
Draw Phys Local PosesDebugs draw Local Poses.
Draw Phys Global PosesDebugs draw Global Poses.


Snap BlocksSnaps blocks to the grid.
Undo Block Movement Undoes the previous block movement.
Route Transitions Route transition arrows.
Grid SizeDiagram's grid size.
Undo LevelsUndo stack max size.


User Predefined

Previously saved motion tags that can be applied quickly and conveniently.

Eyes Delta

Left Eye BoneValues used to generate eyes delta.

Right Eye Bone
Left Eye Locator
Right Eye Locator
Create Motion Subst
Base Delta Name

Menu options 

Draw Control Frames

White frames around every menu control to show their sizes.

Icon ViewPreview icons on their textures when ui_icon is selected.
Icon Grid Icon grid, used to snap icons in iconlib.
Grid Size Size for the Icon Grid.
Debug Input Type Forces the input type to check the input-dependent controls' visibility.
Debug Platform Type

Forces the platform to check the platform-dependent controls' visibility.

Target Entity

Use Last Selected Uses the last selected entity on the scene for the target entity.

RMB Utils

Reset to DefaultReset property to default.
CopyCopy the value of the selected property.
PastePaste the copied value to the selected property.
Export PropertiesOutdated.
Import PropertiesOutdated.
Edit HintEdit hint for the selected property. Hints are stored here: tools/editor/meta/props_metadata.lua
Show DescriptionDisplay the description of the selected property on a separate panel.
Add to Highlight ListAdd the selected property to the highlight list.
Show Highlighted OnlyIf enabled, will show only the highlighted properties.
Edit Custom CaptionAllows you to rename a property.
Clear Custom CaptionResets the name of the property to default.
Disable Custom CaptionsDisables the display of custom captions.
Show Advanced FilterEnables the display of the advanced filter. This is space above the search bar that contains a list of all properties sorted into categories.

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