Texture Editor

Texture Editor


  1. Toolbar
  2. A list of textures
  3. Image Preview
  4. Texture Editor#Legend-filter
  5. Texture Editor#Properties for the selected texture type

Top toolbar

Always On TopSets the Texture Editor Window to be always on top of the editor.
Color Filter Filter textures by colors.
Color to filter by.
Similarity to selected color for filtering.

Bottom toolbar


View the separate channels of the texture in the preview - Red / Green / Blue / Alpha.

Add Images...Used to import textures manually, if by any reason the automatic import didn't work.
Export Textures...Used rarely for cases of lost texture source. Please note that this exports low quality textures from the compressed DXT.

Applies all changes.

Ok Apply and close window.
Close Closes the window.

A list of textures 

RMB Utils 

Add Bumpmap

Creates the new _bump texture.

Create Instance From Selected...

Allows for creating instances of diffuse textures with their own set of properties. Using multi-layered shaders (two_layers, slope, etc.) requires a lot of texture combinations (e.g. metal + rust, metal + moss, metal + sand). Texture Instancing makes this possible without any impact to content or performance.

Duplicate Instance
DeleteRemoves the selected texture.
Assemble Material

Automatically connects all relative textures to one material.

Add TagsAdds the tag for the selected texture.
  • Remove Ban - removes ban label.
  • Ban as Warning - sets label Warning.
  • Ban as Error - sets label Error.
  • Ban as Critical Error - sets label Critical Error.
  • Approve Resource - sets label Approve.
  • Ban as Deprecated - sets label Deprecated.
  • Add Comment - adds a comment to the object.
  • Find Refs in Maps Files - searches all layer files in the working folder for text that matches your search criteria in the .lua-files.
Pack Into Atlas Combine four textures into one atlas. Used to save texture slots in the texture streamer.
Unpack Atlas Releases texture from the Atlas.
Set Alias Alias textures are redirectors. This is used to temporarily hide old or placeholder textures.
Remove Alias Clears the Alias link.
Path To Source Opens the path to the source folder.
Open in Image EditorOpens the selected texture in the Image Editor.
Select Where Attached

Selects all the attached textures.

Reveal Source In Explorer

Opens the source file for the selected texture in the explorer.

Filter Shows/hides the filter toolbar.
Plain Mode Shows all objects in alphabetical order without hierarchy.
Advanced Filter Enables the display of the advanced filter. Here, you can filter properties by category.
Checked Only Shows only the objects checked with checkboxes.

Image Preview 

Status Bar 

Best FitDisplays the best fit for the texture.
Actual Size Zooms to the texture's actual size.
Zooms in.
Zooms out.

Changes the channel:

  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • alpha.
OK Approves the changes.
Cancel Reverts changes.


Filter description

This filter allows you to find textures by a single property or a combination thereof.

without bumpShow the textures with no bump assigned. This lists textures that were most likely not set up completely. Or they may be simple UI or particle textures.
is not streamableShows a list of textures in fixed memory.
banned texture Shows only banned textures.
aliased textureShows only textures with an alias link.
diffuse Only diffuse textures. Useful for scrolling through materials without seeing _bump and _nm.
detail diffuse Only detail textures. Rarely used these days, mostly replaced by detail_nm textures.
cubemap HDR Only sky textures.
diffuse terrain Only terrain textures. Normally, there will be 5-10 per project.
bumpmapOnly _bump textures. Similar to filtering by _bump word
diffuse vector alpha This format is no longer used.
maskMasks are used in terrain.
normal mapOnly _nm textures. Similar to filtering by _nm word.
instance Show only texture instances.
normal map alpha Only _nm with alpha textures.
normal map detail Only detail_nm textures.
projectionLight projection textures. Currently, only 16 per project are allowed.

RMB Utils 

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'ENG:add list'.


Common properties 


Texture Type

Allows you to choose the texture type for the selected texture in a list of textures:

  • Albedo 
  • Albedo + Vector Alpha
  • Arbitrary 4 Channel 
  • BumpMap
  • Detail Normal Map
  • Normal Map (High Quality)
  • Normal Map + Alpha (Low Quality)
  • Projection 
  • Terrain Albedo.
  • source - the size of the source texture
  • compressed - the size of the compressed texture for Exodus SDK.
Alias Link to another similar texture.
DraftThis option is set automatically on texture change and affects the speed of texture compression. You can disable this option to compress the texture in final quality, but it may be 2-3 times longer.
Override ColorOverrides the average texture color with a manually set one. This is useful for increasing reflexes strength or adjusting the hit particle colors.
ColorRGBARed/green/blue/alpha values of the color.
Base TextureTiling XY and Offset XYFirst and second parameters used for scaling texture UVs, third and fourth are for offset UVs.

When textures are streamed, they are either replaced with small thumbnails or flat colors.

The thumbnail count is limited, so the priority affects whether the texture will get a thumbnail replacement (higher priority) or becomes a solid color (normal priority).

Streamable Enables texture streaming.
Sets the bump file for the selected texture.
Parallax Height MultiplierMultiplier from Displacement Height for texture mode without displacement. This often needs to be lower.
Parallax Height / Displacement HeightHeight of bump in meters.
MipmapEnabled Enables the mipmap.


Color space of data (sRGB or linear).

Max Mip Resolution Maximal mipmap resolution can't be higher than the compressed resolution.
AtlasSlot Count Used for combining textures in Atlases.

Texture types 



Game MaterialThe type of game material.
MipmapBlurEach mip gets blurred. Useful for particles with adjustable mip-offset.
Blur Factor Strength of blur in each mip.
Allows you to detail the texture: drags masks with micro-noise to the appropriate surfaces.
Scale UDetail of the texture tiling. 3 to 7 are normally used. To avoid visible tiling, don't use high numbers. Try using uneven numbers so repetitions won't match the main texture.
Scale VDetail of the texture tiling.
IntensityDetail of the texture intensity. 0.3 to 0.7 is normally used. Higher values are allowed, but they can radically change the look of the base texture.
Aux Params 0RGB

Under default shaders, this parameter adjusts tint and can brighten or darken the diffuse. Other custom shaders use these parameters. For example, the water color of the shader puddle.

You can use this by creating additional Texture Instances.

RGB *M Multiplied by RGB values. Use this to adjust brightness without changing the color.
Aux Params 1

RGBAUniversal values used for different shaders.

Aux 0Additional textures used for different multi-layered shaders. two_layers use aux0 and aux1 for diffuse and nm respectively.
Aux 1
Aux 2
Aux 3
Alpha Adjustment
Allows you to increase alpha brightness without affecting the source files. This is useful for mipmap balancing and making textures compatible with aref decals.

Albedo + Vector Alpha

The same properties as Texture Editor#Albedo. 

Arbitrary 4 Channel 

Only common properties.


Gloss Mask
Shows meaningful material separation and small scale details.
Gloss Multiplier 

Allows you to use a texture (such as diffuse) as a gloss map and adjust its intensity.

BumpDisplacement Type
  • Disabled
  • Parallax
  • Displacement.
Parallax Height MultiplierMultiplier for Displacement Height of the texture.
Parallax Height / Displacement HeightHeight of bump in meters.
Use Toksvig Factor

A tweak to the gloss map. The gloss is lower with mipmaps in areas of high normal roughness. This is needed to compensate for smoothing of the normals with mipmaps.

Use own Source ImageTakes the gloss from the _bump source. Otherwise, it will be sourced from the selected Gloss mask.

Reflectivity mask. Not required for dielectrics.


Reflectivity value for when the mask is not used. Default is 0.04.


Optional normal map. Note that if the normal map is missing, the engine will generate normals from bump in real-time.

Detail Normal Map

This is used to create a new detail_nm texture from two separate tiled normal maps. A detail_nm texture contains 2 normal maps that are mixed by the Bump.R mask from the main texture.

Normal Map (High Quality)

MipmapBlurEach mip gets blurred. Useful in particles with an adjustable mip-offset.
Blur Factor Blur strength for each mip.

Bump Gloss SourceInherits the gloss mask from the green channel of the .bump-file. This is needed, if the normal map is used as a secondary layer in shaders such as two_layers.

Normal Map + Alpha (Low Quality)

Same as Normal Map, but with an alpha channel. The quality of the normals is distributed to contain an additional alpha channel.


Only common properties.

Terrain Albedo 

DetailTerrain TexturesThe four tiled textures are listed here. Mixing is done by base static mask (splatmap) and by painting in the editor.
Scale UTiling multiplier of four textures. Note that the base tiling is set up in the terrain shader.
Scale VTiling multiplied of four textures. Note that the base tiling is set up in the terrain shader.
MaskTerrain mask texture used for blending four tiled textures.

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