Weather Editor

Weather Editor

The Interface 


The Weather Editor allows you to create weather presets to use within weather volumes. There are several options to use, including the Skybox, Sun, Clouds to Post Process, and Snow/Water Levels.

You can create different types of weather such as Constant, Day/Night Cycles, or Modifiers. Also, with the editor open, you can preview the weather in-editor, without having to set up a weather volume.


To access the weather list, look for the W (for Weather) in the Library Toolbar.

To create an empty weather list, right click on the Weather List → Add.

TimelineAllows you to see key values of the properties. Also allows you to manually scroll between points of time.


Time navigationAllows you to jump to a specific time in the timeline. From 00:00 to 24:00. The arrows allow you to jump one hour in the timeline.
<- -> Jump to the next/previous key or to the next/previous hour.
Constant WeatherWeather type. Without the ‘time’ component. Managing such weather is much easier when you’re working with a linear level. Set the selected weather to Constant Weather. Constant weather does not have Day/Night Cycles, and has fixed values. Good for indoor environments where day/night is not perceivable and does not affect the scene.
Modifier Weather

Instead of doing full weather blends and dealing with this complexity, you can modify only the needed values with the Weather Modifier. For example, you have an indoor environment on an outdoor level that normally has dark and dense fog no matter the hour. This way, you can change just the fog while the rest is taken from the base weather. Modifiers can be Constant as well as 24hr looped.

Always On TopSet the Weather Editor Window to be always on top of the editor.
No PreviewToggles the preview in the editor.
InGame PreviewShow weather's changes in real time.
Set Sun Position

Set the sun's position in the viewport.

Save AllSaves all changes made to the weather.
Import env Import parameters of another weather preset.

Weather List Density

List of available weather presets. You can also create folders for organization. All weathers have corresponding .LUA files under /content/weather/ 

RMB Utils 


Adds a new weather preset to the selected folder.

Create FolderCreates a new folder in the Weather List. 
CopyCopies the selected weather item.Ctrl+C
PastePastes the copied weather item.Ctrl+V
CloneClones the selected weather item.Ctrl+D
RenameRenames the selected weather item.Ctrl+R
RemoveRemoves the selected weather item.Del
ReloadReloads the weather item from a disk(this can be used to revert all unsaved changes).


  • Remove Ban – removes a ban label.
  • Ban as Warning – sets the label Warning.
  • Ban as Error sets the label Error.
  • Ban as Critical Error – sets the label Critical Error.
  • Approve Resource  sets the label Approve.
  • Ban as Deprecated – sets the label Deprecated.
  • Add Comment – adds a comment to the object.
  • Find Refs in Maps Files  searches all layer files in the working folder for text that matches your search criteria in the .lua-files.

Reveal In ExplorerOpens an explorer window to reveal the config file that contains the objects.
ExpandExpands the current list.
CollapseCollapses the current list.
Expand AllExpands all the lists.
Collapse AllCollapses all the lists.
FilterShows/hides the filter toolbar.
Plain ModeShows all items in alphabetical order without hierarchy.
Advanced FilterEnables display of the advanced filter. This allows you to filter properties by categories.

Prop List

Adds a new non-editable curve on the graph from the desired property. Used to create similar curves on graphs. A description of all options can be found in the Properties section.

Prop name
AILum Ambient
Lum Scale
Sun Luminosity Coef
Speed Mult
Color CubeIntensity
FlaresSprite Texture Color

Direction X
Direction Y
FogDensity Curve
Fog Color
Fog Color2
Fog Density
Fog Saturation
Fog Turbulence Scale
Fog Variation +/-
Height Base
Height Based Density
Scattering Phase
PostprocessBloom Exposure Offset
Color Add
Color Dot
Color Multiply
DOF.Sky Scale
Scene Exposure Offset
Light Source Offset
Shadow Blur Max
Shadow Blur Min
Shadow Initial Offset
Shadow Range
AO Color
Snow Level
View Distance
Water Level

Graph Editor

A graph with curves for one or more properties.

  1. Average color values for: sky, fog, sunlight, and selected option with timeline.
  2. Vertical value scale and boxes with colors of curves.
  3. A graph with selected curves and background curves from the prop list.
  4. Timeline.
  5. Name of the texture (skybox, HDR, etc.) for the current weather preset.


  • Allows you to edit the weather preset's properties. For Constant Weathers, values are constant and keyed once. All weather properties are keyable.

    For Day/Night Cycles, you can manually key values by setting time on the Timeline, and adjust the value in the properties window.

    For Modifier Weathers:

    • First, select the "main weather" that you are going to add a modifier to (it should appear as a W on the right side of the name, in the Weather List).
    • Select the modifier weather (it should appear as an M on the right side from the name, in the Weather List).
    • Now you're previewing the modifier weather.
    • Weather modifiers allow you to override specific values while maintaining the originals (from the main weather).

Property name
Texture of the skybox.For Day/Night Cycles, you can also change the skybox in "real-time" if needed.
ColorRGBASky hue. A  sky intensity.Important! In the indoor weather, you need to turn off the sky (RGBA=0) to avoid problems with reflections and leaks.
Rotation of the skybox.

Fog ColorRGBAMain Fog Color.
Fog Color 2RGBASecond Fog Color.
Fog Density
Total Fog Density.
For Variation +/-
Fog Unevenness.Creates areas of greater and lesser fog density.
Fog Turbulence Scale
Size of an uneven area (specified by the previous parameter (For Variation +/-).
Height Base
Sets the height in meters, below which the fog density is uniform and maximum, and above which it begins to decrease.
Height Based Density
Sets the intensity of fog density reduction above the Height Base point. If set to a negative value, the fog will 'turn over'
Scattering Phase
Sets the shape of light scattering by the fog (from soft even dispersion (0), to sharp intense (1)).
Density Curve
The intensity of the increase in fog density in relation to the distance from the player.

Use this to make the air foggy or clear. We recommend avoiding the Near Plane parameter. There must always be a thin layer of visible air (unless we are making a game set in outer space with no atmosphere).

Fog Saturation
Fog saturation.
Snow Level

Controls the height of snow on the level.Objects that have a special shader will be affected by this. If there is no object, this value won't change anything.
Water Level

Control the height of water on the level.Objects that have a special shader will be affected by this. If there is no object, this value won't change anything.

Controls the overall wetness of the level.

Objects that have a special shader will be affected by this. If there is no object, this value won't change anything.

Makes everything wet from 0 to 1, adds windy puddles from 1 to 2. AO is used as Rain Occlusion. This is an experimental feature.

View Distance

Controls the camera's view distance. High values may impact performance.Use high values for open maps! If you have a level that's entirely indoors, you should adjust this to a lower value.
Controls the speed and direction of the wind that moves the fog.


Controls the shadow of the clouds in the scene. You can choose a mask, color, scale, or Speed Multiplier.

Even if your scene doesn't have a day/night cycle, it adds atmosphere to give the clouds some small movement.

Scale Mult
Controls the Ambient Color.
Controls the AO Color.

ColorRGBAThe hue of the Sun. A  is the intensity of the Sun.

Important! With A=0 shadows from the Sun are not considered which greatly increases FPS. In the weather preset for indoors, it is obligatory to set A=0.
Shadow Range
The distance over which the shadows from the Sun begin to be considered.Important! It also has a big impact on FPS. But with Shadow Range=0, some shadow cascades are still considered, so it's better to turn the Sun off completely through A=0.
Shadow Initial Offset
Control the Shadow Initial Offset, min and max shadow blur, and the offset for a Light Source.
Shadow Blur Min

Shadow Blur Max

Light Source Offset


ColorRGBAColor of the Sun.
Direction X
The Sun's X position.
Direction Y
The Sun's Y position.
Sprite TextureColorThe Sprite's color.

RadiusThe Sprite's radius. 
Research and Development, temporary props for controlling the air density.







Color CubeIntensity
Add a color cube that will multiply with the main skybox. You can also control the intensity.
Control different Post Process, like DOF, Scene Exposure Offset, and others.If you need the true color of the scene, keep Multiply at White (255), add Black (0), and Dot at Grey (85).



DOF. Sky Scale

Scene Exposure Offset

Bloor Exposure Offset

Color Multiply RGBA
Color Add
Adds constant RGB values to the frame, allows you to remove dips in the shadows.You need to work carefully with this parameter  it works differently on different monitors.
Color Dot
Adjusts the picture's saturation.
Sets a LOD for all lights of the current weather.Without a key in this property, each light has its own log (if it is specially configured, by default). If there is a key, the weather preset puts its own light LODs.
AILum Scale
Controls the luminosity cam. Check AI for more information.This directly affects how NPCs see the player.
Lum Ambient

Sun Luminosity Cof

RMB Utils For The Properties' Window

Util NameDescription
Reset to DefaultResets the property to default.
Add KeyAdds a new key on the curve with selected time.
Edit HintEdits a hint for the selected property. Hints are stored here: tools/editor/meta/props_metadata.lua
Show DescriptionDisplays a hint for the selected property on a separate panel.
Add to Highlight ListAdds the selected property to the highlight list.
Show Highlighted OnlyIf enabled, this will show only highlighted properties.
Edit Custom CaptionAllows you to rename a property.
Clear Custom CaptionResets the name of the property to default.
Disable Custom CaptionDisables the display of custom captions.
Expand AllExpand all the lists.
Collapse AllCollapse all the lists.
Show Advanced FilterEnables display of the advanced filter. This is where all properties are sorted into categories.

Key Properties 

Key NameDescription
Sky/FogColorRGBAColor of the skybox or fog for the current time.

Time for set for the current key.

Shape of the key's curve.

Status Bar


Allows you to preview the day/night cycle. You can set how long the day is and the weather cycle duration you'd like to preview. Note: this is just a preview. To set up a real Day Duration, check Setup for the Weather Volume above.

Day Duration Duration of the day.
From Time of the start of the day.
ToTime of the end of the day.
On this page:

Shortcuts for Weather Editor:
Move the graph fieldHold MMB
Graph zoom Mouse wheel
Scale graphs on the vertical axis Hold Shift + mouse wheel
Scale graphs on the horizontal axis Hold Ctrl + mouse wheel
Zoom to fitA
Zoom to selectedShift + A
Move by Y-axisHold LMB on selected keys
Move by X-axisHold Ctrl + LMB
Add key in the selected frameInsert  
Remove the selected keysDelete
Add one minute to the timelineArrow right
Take one minute off the timelineArrow left
Run/pause the timelineSpace
Undo the operationCtrl + Z
Redo the operationCtrl + Y
Save all changes madeCtrl + S
Increase the TimeLine Grid by 2 times[
Decrease the TimeLine Grid by 2 times]
Copy AllCtrl + C
Paste AllCtrl + V

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