Track Editor

Track Editor


The Track Editor is used for creating cutscenes, camera spans, camera shakes, and screen effects. 

The Default Interface

  1. Track Editor – Toolbar

  2. Track List
  3. Track Editor – Channels
  4. Graph Editor
  5. Track Editor – Time-slider
  6. Items Editor
  7. Track Editor – Properties
  8. Track Editor – Tags


Apply Current Shows what we are seeing in the current frame.
Move to Zero

Moves the camera to level zero.

Move To OriginMoves the camera to the point where the track starts.
Set Origin Sets the current camera position as the starting point of the track.
Create Key

Creates a key in the selected frame, in which the camera position parameters (position and rotation angles in X, Y, Z coordinates) are saved.

Camera View

Enables a mode which automatically moves the camera along the trajectory of its movement while changing the track frame.

Always On TopSets the Track Editor window to always be on top of the editor.
Auto ZoomAuto-zoom (fit) channel by selection.
Save All Saves all changes.

Allows stretching/compressing certain sections of the camera track. For example, we have an already configured trajectory of the camera’s passage but it moves very slowly. Via "rescale", we can set the start frame's passage and the "old" final frame. In the new final frame, we set the value to less than the "old" final frame. Thus, we reduce the flight time of the camera. All camera actions that occur after the “old” final frame simply move without changing the aspect ratio.

Track List 

A list of cameras and tracks. 

RMB Utils 

Append Camera TrackAdds a new camera to the selected track.


  • Remove Ban – removes the ban label.
  • Ban as Warning – sets the label Warning.
  • Ban as Error – sets the label Error.
  • Ban as Critical Error – sets the label Critical Error.
  • Approve Resource sets the label Approve.
  • Ban as Deprecated – sets the label Deprecated.
  • Add Comment – adds a comment to the object.
  • Find Refs in Maps Files  searches all layer files in the working folder for text that matches your search criteria, in the .lua-files.


Adds a new track to the selected folder.

DeleteRemoves the selected track.Del
Rename...Renames the selected track.Ctrl+R
ReloadReloads the track from a disk (can be used to revert all unsaved changes).
Clone...Clones the selected track/camera.Ctrl+D
CopyCopies the selected track/camera.Ctrl+C
PastePastes the copied track/camera. Ctrl+V
Reveal In Explorer Opens an explorer window to let you quickly find the config file with objects.
New Folder...Creates a new folder in the Track List.
ExpandExpands the current list.
Collapse Collapses the current list.
Expand AllExpands all the lists.
Collapse AllCollapses all the lists.
FilterShows/hides the filter toolbar.
Plain ModeShows all items in the alphabetical order without a hierarchy.



Changes the FOV values of the camera.


Narrows the two extreme (left and right) borders of the screen to the center (vision effect).


Allows you to change the time of slowing and acceleration.

Motion Blur

Allows you to apply a blur effect with a global reference to all game objects.

Force Feedback 1

Power of intensity for the left vibration gamepad.

Force Feedback 2

Power of intensity for the right vibration gamepad.

Sound VolumeEngine sound volume.
Music VolumeEngine music volume.
HUDParams.ScaleThe scale of the HUD camera.

The position of the HUD camera's coordinates in the world.

Rotation.XHUD camera rotation angles around the specified axes: X ,Y, and Z.


The position of the camera's coordinates in the world.

If enabled, "Relative" (in camera track properties) will show the coordinates relative to the player.


Сamera rotation angles around the specified axes: X ,Y, and Z.


Sets the necessary weight priority for the selected track in relation to other tracks with post processes.


Nearest (start) boundary for the start of the effect.


Average (sharpness) distance in which the object is located in focus.


Far (final) boundary for the start of the effect.

Scene Exposure OffsetControls the scene exposure offset.
Bloom Exposure Offset

Controls the bloom exposure offset.

Color Multiply.R

Multiplies a color in the RGB channels.  

Color Multiply.G
Color Multiply.B
Color Add.R

Adds a color in the RGB channels.

Color Add.G
Color Add.B
Color Dot.R

Changes saturation parameters of all color channels (desaturate).

Color Dot.G
Color Dot.B
Color Dot.Weight

Sets the necessary weight priority for the selected effect in relation to other tracks.

FadeAllows the setting "Fade to white" for HDR TVs.

RMB Utils

Create Key

Creates a key for the selected channel in the highlighted frame, in which the camera position (position and rotation angles in X, Y, Z coordinates) is saved.

CopyCopies the selected curve into the channel.Ctrl+C
PastePastes the copied curve into the selected channel.Ctrl+V
Select AllSelects all channels in the list.
Hide Unselected ChannelsHides all unselected channels.
Unhide All ChannelsUnhides all hidden channels.
Fit SelectedZooms in to the selected channel in the Graph Editor.Shift + A
ExpandExpands the current list.
Collapse Collapses the current list.
Expand AllShows/hides the filter toolbar.
Collapse AllCollapses all the lists.
Filter Shows/hides the filter toolbar.
Plain ModeShows all objects in the alphabetical order without a hierarchy.

Graph Editor

Displays a series of parameters in graphs where the horizontal axis is the frame sequence and the vertical axis is the digital parameter value.

RMB Utils 

Insert Key(s) HereInserts a key with the current position of the camera. 

Insert Key(s) On Curve

Inserts a key on the curve.
Delete Key(s)Removes the selected keys.


Shows which frame is playing. 

1 Sets a start frame for the track.
2Jumps to the start frame.
3The playhead.
5Sets the end frame of the track.
6Jumps to the end frame.
Jumps to the beginning frame.
Jumps to the previous key.
Moves one frame to the left.
Sets the pause. Shortcut: space.
Removes the pause. Shortcut: space.
Moves one frame to the right.
Jumps to the next key.
Jumps to the end frame.

Items Editor 

RMB Utils 

Add SoundAdds a soundtrack.
Add ParticleAdds a particle.
Add WipeOutAdds a gas mask wipe effect.
DeleteRemoves the selected item.


The window that contains camera track properties. 

ToolForce Speed Uses a custom preview speed, if checked.
Play SpeedCustom preview speed.
HUD ViewRenders the object which will be attached to the bone loc_actor_camera of the preview object.
HUD View SlotID of the Preview Item that is going to be taken as the HUD object.

If enabled, the camera track will play continuously.

Fractional Frames

If disabled, you can't create a key with a fractional value.

Start Frame

Start frame of the track.

End Frame

End frame of the track.

LengthThe track's length.
Camera TrackAffected by relative tracks

If disabled, the camera rotation won't be affected by any other relative tracks.


If enabled, the camera track will play relatively to the coordinates of the player's camera. If disabled, the camera track will play relatively to the world's coordinates.

Ignore Start Rotation

Ignores the camera's starting position on all axes of rotation.

Disable Moving

Disables the ability of the player to move while playing the camera track.

Force Enable Use

Allows USE during the playback of a track.

Disable Rotating

Disables the ability of the player to rotate his head (mouse look) while playing the camera track.

Disable HUD-UI

Disables the HUD while playing the camera track.

Third person view

Sets the camera to the “third-person view” position.

Enable Gasmask

Enables display of the gas mask the player wears.

Disable Crosshair

Disables the display of crosshair.

Disable Nightvision

Disables the display of the player's night vision.

Need feedback_factorWhether to multiply feedback 1, 2 by the track weight.
Exclusive PostprocessWhether to use the postprocess exclusively for this track.

Shows the frame where the selected key is located.


All keys are connected by a line. The type of the line at the point of passage through the selected key is set by this parameter. The curvature of the line is set by those parameters that appear after selecting the line type.

Line types:

  • Bezier (obsolete, equivalent to Hermite), Bezier 2, Hermite Spline, TCB Spline   the selected key will be connected with adjacent keys via a smooth curved line. The nature of the curve is set by parameters which will appear after selecting the line type.

  • Linear – connects the selected key to the adjacent straight line.
  • Stepped – instant change of the parameter in this vein. Useful when changing the scene's angle.

The parameters for changing the values of the channel's keys.


DOF.Sky Scale
Scene Exposure Offset
Bloom Exposure Offset
Color Multiply.R
Color Multiply.G
Color Multiply.B
Color Add.R
Color Add.G
Color Add.B
Color Dot.R
Color Dot.G
Color Dot.B
Color Dot.Weight
Motion Blur
Force Feedback 1
Force Feedback 2
Sound Volume
Music Volume



RMB Utils 

Reset to DefaultResets the property to default.
CopyCopies the value to the selected property.
PastePastes the value to the selected property.
Export PropertiesOutdated.
Import PropertiesOutdated.
Edit HintEdits the hint for the selected property. Hints are stored here: tools/editor/meta/props_metadata.lua.
Show DescriptionDisplays the hint for the selected property on a separate panel.
Add to Highlight ListAdds the selected property to the highlight list.
Remove from Highlight ListRemoves the selected property from the highlight list.
Show Highlighted OnlyIf enabled, this will show only highlighted properties.
Edit Custom CaptionAllows you to rename the property.
Clear Custom CaptionResets the name of the property to default.
Disable Custom CaptionsDisables display of custom captions.
Show Advanced FilterEnables display of the advanced filter. This is where properties are sorted into categories.



A window for creating animation event labels.

In some cases, a situation requires an event to occur during playback of the camera track. For example, the camera shows how a character is using a bonfire. In this case, we need to indicate that the fire particle will play on a certain frame. To do this, choose the necessary frame and open the Tags window. A new tag is automatically created. We can write the name of this tag in the Script column. 

Also, the VS-block camera-track keeps track of these events. 

RMB Utils 

AddAdds a tag for the selected frame.
DeleteRemoves the selected tag.
RenameRename the selected tag.
Expand AllExpands all the lists.
Collapse AllCollapses all the lists.
Filter Shows/hides the filter toolbar.
On this page:

Shortcuts for Graph Editor:
Move the graph fieldHold MMB
Graph zoom Mouse wheel rotation
Scale graphs along the vertical axis Hold Shift + mouse wheel
Scale graphs along the horizontal axis Hold Ctrl+ mouse wheel
Zoom to fitA or Ctrl + A
Zoom to selectedShift + A
Move by Y axisHold LMB on selected keys
Move by X axisHold LMB + Ctrl
Jump to the next keyAlt + Arrow right or "."
Jump to the previous keyAlt + Arrow left or ","
Add key into the selected frameInsert  
Add key into the selected curveCtrl + Insert
Remove the selected keysDelete
Move one frame to the rightArrow right
Move one frame to the leftArrow left
Jump to the end frameArrow up
Jump to the beginning frameArrow down
Run the trackSpace
Undo the operationCtrl + Z

Shortcuts for Items Editor:
Copy the selected item.Hold Shift + LMB
Move the item.Hold LMB
Remove the selected item.Delete
Undo the operation.Ctrl + Z

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