


The main part of the AS is an object that allows you to confirm whether there is a path between blocks A and B.

This is based on the blender, therefore it shares a certain number of its properties (because it blends blocks A and B during the transition between them).



A parameter setup section consists of:

  • Param – the skeleton parameter name (skeletons have parameters that can be controlled by the code or scripts via specialized blocks).
  • Op – the operation that is to be performed with this parameter.
  • Type – expected value type.
  • Value – the value to compare with.
  • Precision – required precision.
TimeBlend time when following through with the transition.
ForceForced transition. If the script reaches a block with such a transition, an attempt to follow it is taken immediately. The only way to stop it from happening is to use the parameters.
WeightThe transition’s weight, required for controlling accessibility for the requests. When searching, it will tally up the weight of all elements to be chained through as it moves from the current position to the target.

A request essentially is an instruction to "carry out the transition with this name". Next, a search is conducted for transitions including the named request in their Request field, and then a path is plotted to the one with the nearest weight.

OR Mode

OR logic is applied to the block's parameters.

The transitions can be parametric. Before the transition, several conditions are checked. This applies ONLY to passing through with the transition. The parameters are disregarded when searching for requests.

ProgressShows current progress.
Current TimeShows the current time.
Raw ModeJust another way of representing the parameters in the output.
Param CountThe number of parameters. When added, sections for setting up these parameters will appear.
EventsSame as in blender.

Max Wait Time
Just check if Next Event in Events
Just check if Next Event NOT in Events

The signals are just like the ones used in blenders.
On Eval

When a transition is attempted (almost unused).

On StartAt the start.
On Stop At the end.
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