A block that blends several motions based on their weight.
Able to blend a maximum of two motions at a time (you can select two motions to blend from an entire list).
Data is supplied at the outputs (this can be any other blocks that provide data, for example, motions, other blenders, etc.).
The properties indicate the parameter by which the blend will occur and transition margins.
As a result, we get a block that proportionally blends source motions matching the parameter.
At the input, the finished blend is provided.
in | The finished blend is provided. |
source0 | Sources are provided (variable number depending on the Sources Count property value). |
source1 |
Blender |
Synch Type | Motion Sync Type: - keep phase – synchronizes motion lengths.
- keep speed – synchronizes motion speeds irrespective of any other parameter.
- match events – synchronizes using Blender/Events events, i.e. the corresponding events will occur at the same frame in both motions but the time between the events will be stretched as necessary.
- proportional_inv – blends motions in an inverse proportion, that is, the first motion starts from the beginning while the second starts from the end: new_time = target_total_time * (1.f - cur_progress).
Events | Events for match events. |
Param |
Key 0 | Values for the keys by which the desired motions are selected. |
Key 1 |
Name | The name of the skeleton parameter from which the value for motion selection is taken. |
Sources Count | Number of sources. |
Freeze Param? | When this option is enabled, the monitored value of the skeleton parameter at the block's input is recorded and not requested again. |
Chooser Mode | A special simplified computing mode – the blender becomes a little more efficient but works correctly only if a static blend is needed. |