


Same as motion, but here the motion ID is derived from a parameter indicated in the Param field.



Cover motion goes here.


  • N/A


Synch Type

Motion sync type:

  • keep phase  synchronizes motion lengths.
  • keep speed  synchronizes motion speeds despite all other parameters.
  • match events  synchronizes motions by Blender/Events by events, that is, the events will happen at the same frame in two motions, but the time between those events may be stretched, if need be.
  • proportional_inv  blends motions inversely proportionally, that is, the first motion starts from the beginning while the second from the end: new_time = target_total_time * (1.f - cur_progress).
EventsEvents for match events.

Name of the parameter from which the motion ID will be extracted. The parameter is selected from a list (see the Main\Model\Motions window, Params tab).

To insert a motion into the parameter and thereby start its playback, you can activate the play\delta VS block, the Bone Part Name parameter.

Pos Target

The position of the object from the specified parameter (entity or cover) will be used as a reference position relative to which the motion will be played.

Rot TargetThe rotation of the object from the specified parameter (entity or cover) will be used as the reference rotation, relative to which the motion will be played.

Stores a set of flags in the form of two bit masks of 16 bits each and a pointer to a string.

The first bit mask is 0000000000000001. If set, the motion will be pulled toward the point specified by the Pos Target parameter. Otherwise, motion will use the point as a starting one, having previously blended into it from the current position.

If 0000000000000010 is set, then on the last frame, the motion will be pulled exactly into the point indicated by the Pos Target parameter.

If 0000000000000100 is set, the rotation specified by the Rot Target parameter will be ignored.

If 0000000000001000 is set, the direction of the movement is mirrored: 1111111111110000. These bits specify a valid radius beyond which the pulling will not occur.

Second bit mask: 0000000000000001. If set, the X position will be ignored when pulling into a point.

If 0000000000000010 is set, Y position will be ignored when pulling into a point.

If 0000000000000100 is set, Z position will be ignored when pulling into a point.

Pointer to a string: stores the bone name of the object specified in the Pos Target parameter.

This bone indicates the offset from the root of the point into which the motion will be pulled (the object specified in Pos Target).

Use Object As DestIf true and Params is not set, this behaves like a set bit 0000000000000001 for the first bit mask.
Get To The Dest PreciselyIf true and Params is not set, this behaves like a set bit 0000000000000010 for the first bit mask.
Freeze TargetIf true, the position and rotation are recalculated once using the Pos Target and Rot Target parameters, then motion is pulled into the calculated pose. Otherwise, the pose will be recalculated continuously.
Target PoseXForm motion is indicated. The pose from the last frames of this motion is used as an additional offset to the pose (obtained from Pos Target and Rot Target) which the motion is pulled into.
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