


A block that can blend motions, calculating their weight based upon several parameters.

It can blend a maximum of 4 motions at a time, the maximum number of parameters is 3.

The inputs and outputs are the same as in a conventional blender.

The blend groups of 3 or 4 motions to be blended together have to be specified in the properties.



Finished blend is provided.



Sources are provided (a variable number depending on the Sources Count property value).



Synch Type

Motion Sync Type:

  • Keep phase  synchronizes motion lengths.
  • Keep speed  synchronizes motion speeds irrespective of other parameters.
  • Match events  synchronize using Blender/Events events, i.e. corresponding events will occur at the same frame in both motions but the time between the events will be stretched as necessary.
  • Proportional_inv  blends motions inversely proportionally, that is, the first motion starts from the beginning, while the second starts from the end: new_time = target_total_time * (1.f - cur_progress).

Events for match events.


Set the number of parameters based on which blend will be calculated (max. 3). After that, select the parameters' names in the corresponding fields.

Each of the Sources needs to have numerical values of all these parameters specified.

Sources->CountNumber of sources.

Set the number of blend groups. Each group needs Ind0-Ind3 to be specified. These are the Sources' output numbers, Ind3 can be 255, which would mean that 3 Ind0-Ind2 motions are blended.

Ind0-Ind3 must be set so that the resulting group would describe a regular polygon in the parameter space. The points of the said polygon must be placed clockwise.


Freeze Param?

When this option is enabled, the monitored value of the skeleton parameter at the block input is recorded and not requested again.

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