Motion Builder

Motion Builder


The exporter is looking for all the bones that are under this namespace and compares them with the model that we will use via "choose model".

You can rename the namespace by double clicking the LMB.

Add SelAdds the selected namespace.
Delete Removes the selected namespace.


A list of animations. 

AddAdds a new animation.

Clones the selected animation.

The animation will be cloned with the same properties as the first.

DeleteRemoves the selected animation.


Properties for the selected animation. 

Choose ModelChooses the path to the model.
Choose AnimChooses the path to the animation.
Range Begin

Animation frames which will get into the engine.

The animation exports into the engine without the last frame.

Range End
Relative Nod

The object against which the animations will be recorded. If the field is empty, the animation records against the coordinate "world".

The object needs to be in the namespace of the model which we defined in the tab "Namespace".

DeltaMakes the Delta animation. This is the difference in values between a pose set by the Delta Frame and all other poses. The difference in values in each frame will export into the engine.

XForm is the model space animation. Since there's no option to animate the coordinate center in 3D editors, we instead create an auxiliary object and animate it the way the model space is supposed to be animated in the engine.

For example, we have a universal idle animation for a character. This animation puts a root bone in a certain position in relation to the model space center at the beginning and end of the animation. We also have a walk animation, taking the character from point A to point B. In this case, we must use the XForm option when exporting that walk in order to conform with two requirements:

  • The root bone is in a certain position in relation to the model space center at the beginning and end of the animation (and that position matches the idle position).
  • We need to make the character move from A to B.
RelativeExports relative to the Relative Node. Works only when the Rel Node isn't empty.
Fix Relative90-degree rotation on the X axis.
Export Tags

Exports square time marks (tags).

Export Scale

Exports the scale in the engine. If disabled, the scale won't be exported.
Fix ScaleRepairs the scale, since there is a difference of metrics between Exodus SDK and Maya by a factor of 100.
Current TakeWhich take will be exported?
RangeSets the range in the timeline to be the same as in the properties for the selected animation.
ExportExports the selected animations into the engine.
SaveSaves the export's layout.
ReloadReloads all information from uplugin to the Engine Export layout.


In this window you will find information about all export events such as: 

  • which bones and locators were exported.
  • the export time.
  • successful and unsuccessful exports.
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