


The data in the Batch Export window is saved as a string in an attribute of a specially created Maya node  uEditorBatchExportInfo. Also, you can reload from this node.

There are two ways to save data in the Batch Export window: 

  • After executing some actions such as exporting or checking, this will save automatically.
  • Clicking the Save button.

During the first launch, you will need to choose the correct path to the content. It must be a folder that is located higher than bin or content.


Build Date

Release date for the currently installed plugin.

Window Auto Size

Given the text in the tabs, sets the window size.

Set Path to Content

The root folder with content. The root folder must contain the two folders inside: content\motions,





Allows you to add a mesh from the list of objects.

Removes the selected mesh.


Allows you to change the selected mesh to another object.

Add SelectionAdds the selected mesh from the scene.
ReloadReloads all information from uEditorBatchExportInfo.



Adds a new animation. Opens the context window.

Removes the selected animation.
EditAllows you to change details of the selected animation.
CloneClones the selected animation. Shortcut: Ctrl+C → Ctrl+V.


You can change several properties at the same time. For this, select necessary animations, meshes, etc. and change the properties in the detail tab. If the checkbox has a check mark (1), this means the selected animations have the same properties. Otherwise, if the checkbox has a "square" mark (2), the selected animations have different properties.   

PathPath to the motion.
File NameFilename.
Rel Node

The object against which animations will be recorded. If the field is empty, the animation records against the coordinate "world".

You need to write the full name, along with the namespace.


Animation frames that will get into the engine.

The animation exports into the engine without the last frame.

Delta Frame

Regarding which frame to consider the delta? 

Delta Makes the Delta animation. This is the difference in values between a pose that is set by Delta Frame and all other poses. The difference in values in each frame will export into the engine.

XForm is the model space animation. Since there's no option to animate the coordinate center in 3D editors, we instead create an auxiliary object and animate it the way the model space is supposed to be animated in the engine.

For example, we have a universal idle animation for a character. This animation puts the root bone in a certain position in relation to the model space center at the beginning and end of the animation. We also have a walk animation, taking the character from point A to point B. In this case, we must use the XForm option when exporting that walk in order to conform with two requirements:

  • The root bone is in a certain position in relation to the model space center at the beginning and end of the animation (and that position matches the idle position).
  • We need to make the character move from A to B.

Exports relative to the Rel Node. Works only when the Rel Node doesn't empty.

Fix Rotation

90-degree rotation on the X axis.

Fix Scale(x100)

Repairs the scale, since there is a difference of metrics between Exodus SDK and Maya by a factor of 100.

Rotate Vertical

180-degree rotation on the Y axis.

Subtract Diff Del

Subtracts the special delta mesh during export of a motion.

Set Timeline Values

Sets a range in the timeline the same as in the properties for the selected animation.

Export Selection

Exports the selected animations into the SDK.

Export All

Exports all animations for each model from the list.

Save Export SettingsSaves the export's layout.


Animation layers. 

Check AllChecks all checkboxes.
Uncheck AllUnchecks all checkboxes.
Set Current

Sets checkmarks as they are currently in the scene.



The model's name. 

Allows you to add a model from the list of objects.
Removes the selected model.

Allows you to change the selected mesh to another object.

Add SelectionAdds the selected model/s from the scene.


Allows you to add a mesh from the list of objects.

Removes the selected mesh.


Allows you to change the selected mesh to another object.

Add SelectionAdds the selected mesh/es from the scene.
ReloadReloads all information from uEditorBatchExportInfo.


PathPath to the model.
File NameFilename.
Rel Node

The object against which the models will be recorded. If the field is empty, the model records against the coordinate "world". 

You need to write the full name, along with the namespace.

Calc Tangent/Binormal

The special button for the shader of hair. You need to enable this button while you are exporting hair (works with hair_forward and hair_base).

AO Power
  • Normal
  • x2
  • x4

The factor of ambient occlusion.

Cracks Fix Mode

The tessellation mode. There are three modes:

  • Disabled
  • Tessellation
  • Displacement (most preferred since it repairs UV breaks).
Fix Scale(x100)Repairs the scale, since there is a difference of metrics between Exodus SDK and Maya by a factor of 100.
Fix Rotation90-degree rotation on the X axis.
Rotate Vertical 180-degree rotation on the Y axis.
Second UV

The second UV set. Works only with the hair shader.

Sort Faces From Center

Used for the hair, so that the lower layers of the hair do not shine through.

Select in Plugin

Highlights the selected mesh from a scene in the plugin.

Select in SceneHighlights the selected mesh from a plugin in the scene.
Check SelectionChecks the selected mesh for errors.
Export Selection

Exports the selected meshes into the SDK.

Export All

Exports all meshes.

Save Export SettingsSaves the export's layout.



Allows you to add a mesh from the list of objects.

Removes the selected mesh.

Allows you to change the selected mesh to another object.

Add SelectionAdds the selected mesh/es to the list of meshes.
ReloadReloads all information from uEditorBatchExportInfo.


PathPath to the mesh.
File NameFilename.
Rel Node

The object against which the mesh will be recorded. If the field is empty, the mesh records against the coordinate "world". 

You need to write the full name, along with the namespace.

Skeleton Path

Path to the skeleton regarding which mesh is exported.

Skeleton File NameSkeleton file name.
Calc Tangent/Binormal

The special button for the hair shader. You need to enable this button while you are exporting hair (works with hair_forward and hair_base).

AO Power
  • Normal
  • x2
  • x4

The factor of ambient occlusion.

Cracks Fix Mode

The tessellation mode. There are three modes:

  • Disabled
  • Tessellation
  • Displacement (most preferred since it repairs UV breaks).
Fix Scale(x100)Repairs the scale, since there is a difference of metrics between Exodus SDK and Maya by a factor of 100.
Fix Rotation90-degree rotation on the X axis.
Rotate Vertical 180-degree rotation on the Y axis.
Play Diff Delta

Allows you to export the selected mesh regarding the same skeleton, and remembers this mesh for other poses.

Second UVThe second UV set. Works only with the hair shader.
Sort Faces From Center

Used for hair so that the lower layers of the hair do not shine through.

Select in PluginHighlights the selected mesh from a scene in the plugin.
Select in SceneHighlights the selected mesh from a plugin in the scene.
Check SelectionChecks the selected mesh for errors.
Export Selection

Exports the selected mesh into the engine.

Export All

Exports all meshes.

Save Export SettingsSaves the export's layout.



Allows you to add the mesh from the list of objects.

Removes the selected mesh.


Allows you to change the selected mesh to another object.

Add SelectionAdds the selected mesh from the scene.
ReloadReloads all information from uEditorBatchExportInfo.


PathPath to the mesh.
File NameFilename.
Rel Node

The object against which the skeleton will be recorded. If the field is empty, the skeleton records against the coordinate "world". 

You need to write the full name, along with the namespace.

Fix Scale(x100)Repairs the scale, since there is a difference of metrics between Exodus SDK and Maya by a factor of 100.
Fix Rotation90-degree rotation on the X axis.
Rotate Vertical 180-degree rotation on the Y axis.

Export Selection Exports selected skeletons into the engine.
Export All Exports all skeletons for the selected mesh.
Save Export SettingsSaves the export's layout.

Camera Track

Allows you to export the camera's keys to the SDK. 


 Adds a new camera.
 Removes the selected camera from a list.
EditAllows you to change details of the selected camera.
Add SelectionAdds the selected camera/s from the scene.
ReloadReloads all information from uEditorBatchExportInfo.



Adds a new track. Opens the context window.

Removes the selected track.
EditAllows you to change details of the selected animation.
CloneClones the selected animation. Shortcut: Ctrl+C → Ctrl+V.
Select/Deselect AllSelects/deselects all animations of selected cameras.


PathPath to the track object.
File NameFilename.

Track frames that will be used in the engine.

The track exports into the engine without the last frame.

Fix Scale(x100)Repairs the scale, since there is a difference of metrics between Exodus SDK and Maya by a factor of 100.
Set Timeline ValuesSets the range in the timeline the same as in the properties for the selected animation.
Export Selection Exports the selected tracks into Exodus SDK.
Export All Exports all tracks for the selected camera.
Save Export SettingsSaves the export's layout.



Add Selection

Adds the selected model/s to the list of models.

Removes the selected model from a list.



Adds a new model. Opens the context window.

Removes the selected mesh from a list.
EditAllows you to change details of the selected mesh.
Add SelectionAdds the selected mesh/es to the list of meshes.
ReloadReloads all information from uEditorBatchExportInfo.


Checks for errors before exporting. A list of possible errors: 

  • wrong faces: too-small distance between points
  • small distance between UV points
  • duplicated points
  • incorrect texture assignment.

Messages with an error text will be shown in the Script Editor or Output Window.

Check MeshChecks a static.
Check Level PartChecks a Super Static.
Save Export SettingsSaves the export's layout.


Text Field for taking some notes on the Scene

ReloadLoads data from uEditorBatchExportInfo.
SaveSaves data to uEditorBatchExportInfo.

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4A Games® is a registered trademark, and 4A Games Limited, Exodus SDK and their respective logos are trademarks of 4A Games Limited.
Published by Deep Silver. Deep Silver is a division of PLAION GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver and Plaion are registered trademarks of PLAION GmbH.
Metro Exodus is inspired by the internationally best-selling novels METRO 2033 and METRO 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovsky.
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