Model List

Model List


A list of all static and dynamic models in the library.


Back ButtonUndo selection.
Forward ButtonRedo selection.
Find filter This is where you type in what you are looking for.
Х button

Cancel typing.

It is VERY easy to forget about clearing the Find field and then spend minutes wondering where all the properties are!
So, be sure to clear it up from any words or letters after locating the property you have been looking for. What you type into this field works as a filter, showing you only a handful of properties, that correspond to filter.
Use the |X| button or your Del key on a keyboard to clear the field.

RMB Utils 

Add TagsAdds a tag for the selected model.
  • Remove Ban – removes the ban label.
  • Ban as Warning – sets the label Warning.
  • Ban as Error – sets the label Error.
  • Ban as Critical Error – sets the label Critical Error.
  • Approve Resource – sets the label Approve.
  • Ban as Deprecated – sets the label Deprecated.
  • Add Comment – adds a comment to the object.
  • Find Refs in Maps Files – iterates over all layer files in a working folder by text. Finds text matches of what we are looking for in .lua-files. For example, we are looking for the model balloon_destroyed02. For this, we need to iterate over all layer .lua-files and find all text matches with "static34\\barrels\\balloon_destroyed02".
Add Meshes...Adds a new mesh to the zero LOD.
Add Model...Creates a new model.
Copy Object Properties From...

Tries to copy from the highlighted model (source) to the selected model in the list of models (targets):

  • If the source and target are static models.
  • If there is a mesh map with the same index [shader, gamemtl, texture, flags, raycast, hud_colladibable, clg].
  • CFORM models and primitives.
Import Motions (for Draft Purpose Only)...

There will be three dialog windows:

  1. Choose a model with motions you want to copy.
  2. Choose a folder with motions you want to copy.
  3. Choose a destination folder for copied motions.

Next, all motions will attempt to adapt to the new model and skeleton.

Use this option carefully. If models have different skeletons, then the motion won't be added (or you may lose some of your data). 

Export MeshesExports the selected mesh (only a model with one mesh is allowed for the export).
Export SkeletonExports the selected skeleton.
Export To DAEExports a model to dae-format.
Reveal In ExplorerOpens an explorer window to let you quickly find the config file with objects.
ExpandExpands the current list.
CollapseCollapses the current list.
Expand AllExpands all lists.
Collapse AllCollapses all lists.
FilterShows/hides the filter toolbar.
Advanced Filter Enables display of the advanced filter. A list of all properties sorted into categories will appear above the search bar.
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Metro Exodus is inspired by the internationally best-selling novels METRO 2033 and METRO 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovsky.
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