IK Chains

IK Chains


IK (inversion kinematics) calculates such things as how legs are bent under geometry or how hands reach for weapons, etc. 

Any IK chain has to be contained within the Upper Limb Bone, Lower Limb Bone, and the effect (Ground Locator).


AddAdds a new IK chain.
DeleteRemoves the selected IK chain.



Find filter This is where you type in what you are looking for.
Х button

Cancel typing.

It is VERY easy to forget about clearing the Find field and then spend minutes wondering where all the properties are!
So, be sure to clear it up from any words or letters after locating the property you have been looking for. What you type into this field works as a filter, showing you only a handful of properties, that correspond to filter.
Use the |X| button or your Del key on a keyboard to clear the field.

Shows only the properties that were changed.

List of properties 

NameName of an IK chain.
Upper Limb BoneThe last bone to be transformed.
Lower Limb BoneNext bone after the locator.
Ground LocatorEffect or ground locator.
Max Length The maximum length of the IK chain, that is, if the paw must reach the ground by kinematics (ground mode for example), then it does not only unbend but can also grow depending on the Max Length value.
ProceduralWith this checkbox, the procedure sewn into the bones of the IK chain should be activated, and this procedure controls the process of reaching.
Knee Direction

The axis on which the knee bends.

Fixed Knee Direction The contribution of the components of the kinematic pair is equivalent, the Upper/Lower bones will equally affect the bend, The bend vector is taken from the Upper or Lower bones (axes or planes specified in the Knee Direction)
Cache Knee Direction Instead of each frame, it counts the chain 2 times per second - removes twitches during frame-by-frame calculation
Flat Simplified and fast calculation of the parameters of a chain with 4 bones, we do not take into account the slope (normal) of the surface when calculating the angles of the chain and conditional ream (this option is not used for a chain with three bones)
Knee LimitLimits the angle at which the set of bones participating in kinematics can be unbent / bent as much as possible.
Ground Clamp
  • Clamp.
  • Clamp without projection.
  • None.
Ground Align Use the vec_y vertical instead of the computed surface normal to eliminate jitter on small surfaces. With IK blends, the calculation happens every frame, so the normal under the chain can change. Made to remove twitch on sloping surfaces
Projected on the ground Check mark must be set on.
Ignore Locator Rotation Ignoring the angle of the locator that is attached to the limb.
Debug Draw

Press here to set on draw debug 

RMB Utils for Properties 

Reset to DefaultResets the property to default.
CopyCopies the value to the selected property.
PastePastes the value to the selected property.
Export PropertiesOutdated
Import PropertiesOutdated
Show DescriptionDisplays a hint for the selected property on a separate panel.
Add to Highlight ListAdds the selected property to the highlight list.
Remove from Highlight ListRemoves the selected property from the highlight list.
Show Highlighted OnlyIf enabled, this will show only the highlighted properties.
Edit Custom CaptionAllows you to rename a property.
Clear Custom CaptionResets the name of the property to the default.
Disable Custom CaptionsDisables the display of custom captions.
Show Advanced FIlterEnables the display of the advanced filter. This contains a list of all properties sorted into categories that will appear above the search bar.
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