ref (counter)

ref (counter)


This block allows the designer to compare a value which can change dynamically with a constant one (the Reference Value).

This works by letting you set up a counter in the editor and then add/subtract it by triggering a corresponding input.

This is good for loops.


touchCheck the current value of the counter.
+Add 1 to the counter.
-Subtract 1 from the counter.
resetReset the counter to the Initial Value.


? == 0Fires an event when the counter equals zero.
? < refFires an event when the counter is less than the Reference.
? == refFires an event when the counter equals the Reference.
? > refFires an event when the counter is more than the Reference.


  • N/A


Auto TouchFires an event when + or - input is triggered. When the reset input is triggered, there will be no event.
Initial ValueValue that your counter will begin with.
ReferenceA number to compare with your counter.

Usage examples



See also

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