Particles Name | Allows selecting a particle system. |
Start as Free | If true, spawns a detached particle system that lives on its own and in its local coordinates. This system is destroyed after its lifetime ends. This requires "non-looped" to be set in the particle system's properties so that it can have a lifetime. |
Constrained | Spawn particles in the world or local coordinates. Constrained = true means "local" (spawned particles will exist in local coordinates and follow the particle system, if it's moved). Unconstrained particles will remain in the world coordinates and ignore the parent system's movement. For example: unconstrained particles can be used for the smoke from a train which will remain in the same world space while the parent system moves. Constrained can be used for laser beam particles that always follow the parent system as it moves. |
Ignore Parent Rotation | The particle system ignores the parent object transform. This is often used to play particles "upright" despite the object's movement. For example, a car will always cast smoke effects upward despite its rotation or rolling. |
Deferred Stop | If true, stops the particle system on deactivation but doesn't destroy the already spawned particles. For example, it can extinguish the fire without removing the existing smoke. If false, this immediately deactivates the particle system and all particles. The duration for this is set in the particle system (0.5 by default). |
Mesh Source (Experimental) | If enabled, the particle may be used as the mesh source, i.e playing directly at the object. Then the spawn points will be set to the object's vertices. |
Ignore Parent Scale | The particle system ignores the parent object's scale. |
Use Parent Color | Color particles might be changed by parent particles. |
Particles Color | Allows to assign and adjust the color of emitted particles. |