


This tab is where you can see all imported sounds and where their collections/parameters are set up.


Back ButtonUndo selection.
Forward ButtonRedo selection.
Find filter This is where you type in what you are looking for.
Х button

Cancel typing.

It is VERY easy to forget about clearing the Find field and then spend minutes wondering where all the properties are!
So, be sure to clear it up from any words or letters after locating the property you have been looking for. What you type into this field works as a filter, showing you only a handful of properties, that correspond to filter.
Use the |X| button or your Del key on a keyboard to clear the field.

RMB Utils

Mark as LocalizableMarks selected sounds as localizable.
Remove LocalizableRemoves selected sounds from localizable.
  • Remove Ban

Removes ban label.

  • Ban as Warning

Sets the label Warning.

  • Ban as Error

Sets the label Error.

  • Ban as Critical Error
Sets the label Critical Error.
  • Approve Resource
Sets the label Approve.
  • Ban as Deprecated
Sets the label Deprecated.
  • Add Comment

Adds a comment to an object.

  • Find Refs in Maps Files
Searches all layer files in the working folder for text that matches your search criteria in the .lua-files.

Use Contents PanelComponents of complex sounds are shown in the contents panel (at the bottom right of the Sound Editor window), otherwise they are expanded in the Sounds tree.
Convert Sounds...Converts selected sounds (e.g. after their sources are modified).
Add Sounds...Converts new sounds from sources and adds them to the database.
Add Localizable Sounds...Converts new localizable sounds (usually VO) from sources and adds them to the database.
Create Bank from SelectedCreates a new bank from selected sounds.
Add Bank...Creates a new sound bank.
Add Composite...Creates a new composite (multi-layered) sound.
Add Mask...Creates a new sound mask.
Add Mix...Creates a new mix of two sounds.
Add Voice Set...Adds a voice set.
Rename...Renames the selected sound.
DeleteDeletes the selected sound.
Create Folder...Creates a new folder.
Reveal In ExplorerOpens an explorer window so you can quickly access the selected sound file.
Expand AllExpand all the lists.
Collapse AllCollapse all the lists.
FilterShow/hide the filter toolbar.
Plain ModeShow all blocks in alphabetical order without hierarchy.
Advanced FilterEnables the display of the advanced filter. You can use this to filter properties by categories.



Find filter This is where you type in what you are looking for.
Х button

Cancel typing.

It is VERY easy to forget about clearing the Find field and then spend minutes wondering where all the properties are!
So, be sure to clear it up from any words or letters after locating the property you have been looking for. What you type into this field works as a filter, showing you only a handful of properties, that correspond to filter.
Use the |X| button or your Del key on a keyboard to clear the field.

Shows only the properties that were changed.

Editor Play Options

Accrue TimeTime the sound takes to fade in to full volume.
RPMIf you click on "F7", you can imitate the shooting in Sound Editor with the opportunity to set RPM and hearing distance.
Delay Time (ms)The delay before playback begins.
Offset Time (ms)The time from the beginning of the audio file before playback starts.
End Time (ms)The time from the beginning of the audio file before playback stops.
Ignore Latency

Ignores delays that arise due to loading or switching the sound states. In the real game, use this only for weapons, because everything must coincide in time.

Positional MonoPlays mono sounds as positional.
Positional StereoPlays stereo sounds as positional.
Distance Sets the distance for positional playback.
Auto PlayPlays sounds automatically when selected.
LoopedLoops sound playback.
Preview Voice

If the sound with type "voice" is played, it will be played with the chosen voice in this field.

Env Zone Class (Preview)Selects the environment zone class used for composites preview.
Third Person (Preview)Sets third-person composite preview mode (otherwise first-person layers are used).
Subsequent (Preview)Selects which subsequent sound is used for composite preview:
  • First
  • Last
  • Second.
Weapon Tags (Preview)Sets the tag used to select a weapon composite for preview.


TypeShows the sound type (source, mask, bank, etc.).


LocalizableShows, if the selected sound is localizable.
SubtitlesTurns the subtitles on/off.
Subtitles RadiusSets the maximum distance from a sound source location to display subtitles.
Subtitles PersonaSets the name of a person speaking to show it in the subtitles.
Subtitles PrioritySets the priority of subtitles.
Own HDR SPLSets the SPL of the selected sound to override preset value.
VolumeSets the volume for when the selected sound is played as non-positional.
HDR EnabledIf set, HDR Audio algorithm will affect the non-positional sound.
Surround VolumeSets the volume of rear channels for the selected non-positional sound.
Listener Reverb Volume Sets the reverb for the selected non-positional sound.
Attenuation Chooses one of the custom attenuation curves for the selected sound.
Angle Attenuation Chooses the angle attenuation for the selected sound.
PresetChooses one of the type presets for the selected sound
BusDisplays a virtual bus used for the selected sound.
HDR SPLDisplays the SPL value of the selected sound.
Base DistanceDisplays the Base Distance value of the selected sound.
Distance Filter
LSF Max Distance Displays the low-shelf filter maximum distance value.
LSF Frequency Displays the low-shelf filter mid-point frequency value.
LSF Gain LimitDisplays the maximum value of the low-shelf filter gain.
LSF Slope Displays the slope value of the low-shelf filter.
LSF Max Distance Displays the high-shelf filter maximum distance value.
HSF FrequencyDisplays the high-shelf filter mid-point frequency value.
HSF Gain Limit Displays the maximum value of the high-shelf filter gain.
HSF Slope Displays the slope value of the high-shelf filter.
Max Make-up GainDisplays the maximum value of the distance filter make-up gain.

Reverb LevelDisplays the listener reverb value.
Source Reverb LevelDisplays the source reverb value.
Rolloff FactorDisplays the rolloff factor value.
Fadeout FactorDisplays the fade-out factor value.
Time Total Displays the duration of the selected sound.
FLAC SizeDisplays the size of the source audio file.
VBA SizeDisplays the size of the converted audio file.
RMS PeakDisplays the peak RMS value of the selected sound (used by HDR Audio).
RMS BeginDisplays the first RMS value of the selected sound (used by HDR Audio).
ChannelsDisplays a number of channels of the selected sound.

RMB Utils

Selected Objects by Property

Select all objects that have the same value of a selected property as the value of the selected object.
Entities Filter
  • Add Objects by Property  add all objects with the same property and value to the Entity filter window.
  • Remove Objects by Property  delete all objects with the same property and value in the Entity filter window.
Reset to Default Reset the property to default values. 
CopyCopy the value of the selected property.
Paste Paste the value of the selected property.
Export Properties This function is unavailable.
Import Properties This function is unavailable.
Edit Hint Edit a hint for the selected property. The hint is stored here: tools/editor/meta/props_metadata.lua
Show Description Show the panel description of the selected property, if it exists.
Add to Highlight List Add the selected property to the highlighted list.
Show Highlighted Only If enabled, this will show only the highlighted properties.
Edit Custom CaptionYou can rename properties with custom captions.
Clear Custom Caption Reset custom captions of properties.
Disable Custom Captions Disable the display of custom captions.
Show Advanced Filter Enables the display of the advanced filter. This is where you can filter properties by categories.

On this page:

Exodus SDK © 2005-2023, 4A Games Limited. Developed by 4A Games®.
4A Games® is a registered trademark, and 4A Games Limited, Exodus SDK and their respective logos are trademarks of 4A Games Limited.
Published by Deep Silver. Deep Silver is a division of PLAION GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver and Plaion are registered trademarks of PLAION GmbH.
Metro Exodus is inspired by the internationally best-selling novels METRO 2033 and METRO 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovsky.
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