Option | Description |
Name | Name of the dialog. |
Group | Name of the group. |
Roles count | How many participants are needed for the dialogue. |
Weight | Priority of the dialogue, 1.000 – max priority, 0.001 – min priority. |
Min delay | A delay period during which the dialogue cannot be repeated in relation to the entire speech manager. |
Max delay | A delay period during which the dialogue cannot be repeated in relation to the entire speech manager. |
Matchonce |
Stop on noactor |
Script only | For making scripted NPCs. |
Temp Forbid Activity |
State (conditions for activating the dialogue) |
In the speech manager config, the dimensions of the restrictor, into which all the desired NPCs should fall, are indicated. |
Interest type | Set NPC's interest. |
Friend type | Set NPC's friend type. |
Mental state | Set NPC's mental state. |
Max mental time | If 0.000, then ignore, min=0 max=3. |
Min mental time | If 0.000, then ignore, min=0 max=3. |
Prev mental | Previous NPC's mental state. |
Activity | Allows to set one or more activities. |
Entry |
Phrase | Name of the phrase. |
MP class | Variability for a separately selected NPC, so that they maintain the dialogue between different types of NPCs (filtering by an NPC type, set in the NPC's settings). |
Search Role | When it is necessary to distribute replicas not just to the nearest NPCs, starting with the willing one, but also when the replicas clearly describe characters' gameplay roles in search mechanics, investigate, etc. |
Dist to Groupmate | Distance to the nearest NPC. |
Order | In what order to play the cue 0 – first, then the rest of the order after it. |
Role | Set the "Role" replica of each participant to 0 – first, then the rest of the order after it. |
Exact role |
Must complete talk | Must always finish the current phrase before the next one starts. |
NPC Name Entry |
Stop deferred | Smooth decrease in the dialogue volume. |
Scheme item | Link to a sound. |
Scheme Item |
Name | Sets the name for the selected item. |
Enabled | Enables the selected item. |
Force Out | Sets the mode of forcing the item out. |
Sound | Sets the sound that the selected item uses. |
Priority | Sets the priority of the selected item. |
Channel | Sets the channel number for the selected item. |
Game Type | Chooses the game type for the selected item. |
Start Time |
| Sets the minimum time interval between two successive playbacks of the selected item. |
| Sets a time interval between two successive playbacks of the selected item. |
Stop Time |
| The time that remains active after the sound ends. |
Env Distance |
| Sets the minimum distance between the player and the place where the selected item can be played at. |
| Sets the maximum distance between the player and the place where the selected item can be played at. |
Enemy Type | Chooses an enemy type for the selected item. |
Role Type | Sets a role type for the selected item. |
Mental States | Sets states (of a monster or an NPC) that the selected item can be played in. |