play patrol path

play patrol path


Move along the specified patrol path. 


activateStart moving.
deactivateStop moving instantly.
soft deactivateSmoothly stop moving, e.g. stop animation.


finishPatrol path finished with success.
failed Patrol path failed.
soft finishPatrol path has stopped with "soft deactivate".



An NPC that will travel the patrol path.

start point

When the function Start From Nearest Point is turned off, you can choose a starting patrol point which the NPC will use in order to begin the Play patrol path”.


Start Point

Point to start the patrol from. This is only used, if the "start point" output pin is empty, otherwise it is ignored.

Start From Nearest Point

If enabled, the NPC will move to the nearest patrol point (in the chain of patrol points, specified in the properties of the block). Otherwise, the NPC will move to the first patrol point (specified in the field Start Point).


Body StateOverride the NPC's body state during the patrol.
Anim State

Override the NPC's anim state during the patrol.

Movement Type

Override the NPC's movement type during the patrol.

Weapon StateOverride the NPC's weapon state during the patrol.

Actions during moving:

  • idle  look at nothing.
  • idle_look  look at something interesting.
  • look_at_enemy  look at enemy.
  • fire_at_enemy  look_at_enemy + fire, if there is a line of sight to the enemy.
  • look_at_target  look at the position of "Target", weapon aim.
  • look_at_target_ext  look at the position of "Target", no weapon operations.
  • fire_at_target  look_at_target + fire, if there is a line of sight to the target.
  • look_at_threat  look at the position of threat (alert) or enemy (danger).
  • fire_at_threat  look_at_threat + fire, if there is a line of sight to threat or enemy.
TargetTarget for applying the action.
Precise HitShould walk exactly through patrol points or nearby.
Exact Rotation Need an exact rotation at a waypoint position.
Force SprintAlways sprint while moving through the patrol path.
Disable Strafing Fix the body rotation to path dir.
Anim State Approach SpeedThe speed of changing between anim states (free, alert, danger).
Approach DecelMovement acceleration/breaking while approaching a patrol point. Applies only for step-based movement (ai_step_planned_motor).

State From Nearest PointGets a movement type, anim state, and other properties from the nearest patrol point's properties.
Match Exactly GoalPrecisely target the last point in the patrol path or nearby.
Fire While MoveCan fire while moving.
Can Move AvoidThe NPC can avoid other NPCs while moving.


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