patrol point

patrol point


Patrol Point is a simple object that can be used to set a point in space for a position to other objects or AI entities. It is an advanced version of AI Point which allows you to link with other objects and have your own states for AI entities.

Red Patrol Point  doesn't have a position on a navigation mesh.

Green Patrol Point  has a position on a navigation mesh.

Placement and Setup

There are several ways to add a Patrol Point to your level:

  • Look for a Patrol Pont in the Entity List Window
  • By using the Shortcut "A + LMB" and adding into the level.

There are several ways to add a link between patrol points:

  • Select any patrol point and just add a new one  you will create a link from the selected one to a new patrol point
  • Select any patrol point and click RMB on the highlighted patrol point, then go to Selected or Highlighted section and click AI Point: Add Link to Selected or AI Point: Add Link Highlighted.

There are several ways to remove a link between patrol points:

  • Select a patrol point and delete the object from AI Point Link
  • Select any patrol point and click RMB on a highlighted patrol point, go to Selected or Highlighted section and click AI Point: Remove Link to Selected or AI Point: Remove Link Highlighted.




Object name.
Disable QsaveThe object's current state is not saved. It will always load in its original state.
Never SleepsThe object is never considered to be sleeping, i.e. immobilized and doing nothing.
Force RealtimeThe object never postpones its updates.
Cull distanceEach renderable object has this parameter. It allows you to completely disable any object by a certain distance. This is very helpful for fuzzy indoor areas where portals are not possible or inefficient.
  • For example, many of our decoration props inside destroyed wooden houses have this parameter set to 70 meters.
  • After setting it, make sure you do a thorough test review of this location by moving the camera back and forth to check, if there is any noticeable popping.
  • Be careful when copying objects from one location to another – they may have this parameter set, which is not suitable for the new area.

PositionMoving the selected patrol point according to given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.
RotationRotating the selected patrol point according to given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.
Random RotationRandom rotation of the selected patrol point according to given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.

CLSIDClass Id, indicates the type of item in column 1 (what it is, state/blender/motion/etc.).
Static Date KeyName of the object type. One class might have several different types. For example, you can create several weapons of the same type. They will have the same set of static properties but their values will be different.
GroupEditor group name (optional).
Bounding SizeAABB (axis-aligned bounding box) size.
Last Modified byName of the person who was the last to modify the selected object.

TagA tag assigned by the user.
Lock TransformThis locks the object's movement, scaling, and rotation in the scene. They can still be changed in the Properties window. When the map reloads, this will automatically unlock.
Lock to HeightmapPatrol Point locked to the heightmap.
LayerLayer on which the object lies.
Fixed BBLocks the bounding box size for the object in the editor.
Fixed BB ExtAmount of meters on each axis to increase the bounding box.
Force Draw/Pick BBDraws the object bounding box.
Visible for Outdoor MapIf enabled, the objects are treated as visible when the terrain map is generated.
Visible for Light ProbeIf enabled, the objects are treated as visible when the light prop is generated.
Accept SnapIf enabled, this allows snapping for the object.
Skip Check InvisibleIf enabled, the invisibility check is skipped.
Skip Check DuplicateIf enabled, the duplicate check is skipped.
PPS EnabledEnables per pixel selection for the object.
UI Tag (Debug Only)Information for debugging.
QSave ChunkLabel for patching support.

Reflectable?If enabled, the object will be reflectable.
Cast AO?If enabled, the object will be to cast Ambient Occlusion. Recommended: TRUE, can be turned off for performance.
Ghost?If enabled, disables the render of the effect, making it invisible.
Shadow CastIf enabled, the object will cast shadows. Recommended: TRUE, can be turned off for performance.
Slow RenderIn some cases, it eliminates the object's blinking.
Disable ImpostorsUsed to improve performance. A function that replaces the 3d model with a 2d image at a great distance from the camera: true/false.
DAO: AutoSets the object illumination. If disabled, it will show this  DAO: Value.

DAO: ValueSets the object's illumination.
AUX: ValueSets value of the shader's external parameter.
SectorSector to which the object belongs at the level.

NetworkSynchronizing the update of objects on different machines.

Ignore in pickupRemove the ability to use and pick up an object.

ModelAllows to select a model for the object.

VS Active (Editor Only)Attaches a Visual Script to the target object. You can select which script to attach in the properties. Don't leave the "name" property empty, otherwise it won't work. 
AI point link

ObjectCreate a link to the object or other patrol point. You can build a path with using patrol points with links. (Can't have more than 4 links from one point).
WeightObject selection priority for the next waypoint on the route (NPCs are more likely to go to a point with more weight).
AI Map
Must Be On AI MapSnap a patrol point to the navigation mesh.
Cover GroupAdd a patrol point to the cover group.
PointWaitMinMinimum waiting time at the current patrol point before moving to the next one. This function is unavailable!
MaxMaximum waiting time at the current patrol point before moving to the next one. This function is unavailable!

Body StateAn NPC's body state from the current patrol point to the next.  
Anim StateAn NPC's anim state from the current patrol point to the next. This function is unavailable!
Movement TypeAn NPC's movement type from the current patrol point to the next.
Weapon StateAn NPC's weapon state from the current patrol point to the next. This function is unavailable!

Actions during moving: This function is unavailable!

  • idle  look at nothing.
  • idle_look  look at something interesting.
  • look_at_enemy  look at an enemy.
  • fire_at_enemy  look_at_enemy + fire, if there is a line of sight to the enemy.
  • look_at_target  look at a position of "Target", weapon aim.
  • look_at_target_ext  look at a position of "Target", no weapon operations.
  • fire_at_target  look_at_target + fire, if there is a line of sight to the target.
  • look_at_threat  look at a position of threat (alert) or enemy (danger).
  • fire_at_threat  look_at_threat + fire, if there is a line of sight to a threat or enemy.
TargetTarget for applying an action. This function is unavailable!
Precise HitShould walk exactly through patrol points or nearby. This function is unavailable!
Exact RotationNeed an exact rotation in a patrol point (in the direction of the axis Z) position. This function is unavailable!
Force SprintAlways sprint from the current patrol point to the selected. This function is unavailable!
Disable StrafingIf enabled, an NPC will not move with its body facing a specific position. The main purpose is to prevent the NPC from turning its back to enemies (or specific objects). This function is unavailable!
Anim State Approach SpeedSpeed of change between anim states (free, alert, danger). This function is unavailable!
Approach DecalMovement acceleration/breaking when approaching a patrol point. Applies only to step-based movement (ai_step_planned_motor). This function is unavailable!
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