Visual Script (Object)

Visual Script (Object)

A VS is an object that can only contain code. This is useful for containing all code needed for a specific action or trigger. Even for an entire level (although that's not recommended).

Place them at a visible relevant location with an appropriately descriptive name.

For example, a VS object with code for opening a door when a switch is activated could be placed near the switch with the name "vs_doorswitch".

For more information on VS, visit the Visual Script Documentation.

Placement and Setup:

There are several ways to add a VS on the level:

  1. Look for General → Visual Script in the Entities Toolbar.
  2. Look for Visual Script in the Entity List Window.
  3. By using the Shortcut "S+LMB".

The VS should look like a blue transparent cube on the scene. If it has any code, a pen/paper icon will appear on its top.

While the VS doesn't have any specific properties visible in the Properties Window, here you can see some good practices:

  1. Name it properly (recommended: vs_nameofthescript).
  2. Place it at a visible and relevant location.
  3. In the Object List Windowyou can see that if the VS is blue, there is code attached to it, otherwise the VS is empty and can be safely deleted.

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