


Proxy is an empty object that can be linked to anything. Its main use is to control various objects at the same time (e.g. delete all objects linked to a proxy). This can be used to delete/hide certain objects after the player can't access a certain area/level anymore, usually for performance reasons.

Placement and Setup:

There are several ways to add a Proxy to your level:

  • Look for General → Proxy in the Entities Toolbar.
  • Look for Proxy in the Entity List Window.
  • By using the Shortcut "P + LMB" into the level.

A Proxy should look like a pink transparent sphere in the scene. If it has any object attached to it, it should be a line linked to the object.

How to link objects to a proxy:

    • By selecting all objects you want, and then adding a proxy in the scene.
    • By selecting all objects you want, then RMB on the proxy: Highlighted → Proxy: Attach/Detach Selected from Proxy.


RenderReflectable?If enabled, the object will be reflectable
Cast AO?

Enables the proxy to cast Ambient Occlusion. Recommended: TRUE, can be turned off for performance.

Ghost?Disables the render of the proxy, making it invisible.
Shadow CastEnables the proxy to cast Shadows. Recommended: TRUE, can be turned off for performance.
Slow RenderIn some cases, it eliminates the blinking of the object.
Disable ImpostorsUsed to improve performance. A function that replaces the 3d model with a 2d image at a great distance from the camera: true/false.
DAO: Auto

Sets the object illumination. If disabled, it will show this: DAOValue.

DAO: Value0 – the object is dark, 100 – the object is light.
AUX: ValueSets value of the shader external parameter.
  • XYZ
SectorSector to which the object belongs at the level

NetworkSynchronizing the update of objects on different machines.
GameIgnore in pickupRemove the ability to use and pick up an object.


On the "..." you can select the model for the proxy.

VS Active (Editor Only)Attaches a Visual Script to the target object. You can select which script to attach in the properties. Don't leave the 'name' property empty, otherwise it won't work. 
Process in SlicesSlice Count

Divides objects on the necessary number of slices.

For example, your proxy has a connection with 500 objects (500 attachments in one frame). So, if you have 10 frames, then 50 objects will be removed in one frame.

Auto Link Layer Objects

When you save the level in the Editor or build a mixed version, this saves all your layers. I.e. you collect all the objects in the layer where the proxy is located, and then connect them to the proxy.

This includes only the objects that exist in the layer upon the start of the game. Cloned objects won't be added.

Usage example:

  1. Add the proxy to the layer.
  2. Checkmark Auto Link Layer Objects.
  3. Save the level (Shortcut: Ctrl+S). During saving, the proxy selects all the objects located on the same layer.
  4. Select the proxy again.
  5. In the properties window, you can find the new entity properties.

It is not recommended to have more than one proxy with "Auto Link Layer Objects" enabled on the layer.

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