



Dummy is an effect with model that has no collision or raycasting options, allowing you to use both dynamic and static models. This can be useful for adding a static prop as a dynamic entity but only in a visual sense. However, their main purpose is to be used as particles and/or sounds. Like other objects, you can customize the model and attach a particle or sound to it.

Placement and Setup

  1. Find the Entity List.
  2. Look to the root folder in the list.
  3. Drag and drop the dummy object into scene.
  4. It is possible to move, rotate, scale, etc. dummy in the scene using the Edit Option from the Scene Edit Toolbar.


    Edit OptionShortcutDescription
    Select SActivate the Select Edit option.
    Add AActivate the Add Edit option.
    Move W
    Activate the Move Edit option.
    Rotate EActivate the Rotate Edit option.
    Scale RActivate the Scale Edit option.



Object name.
Disable QsaveThe object's current state is not saved. It will always load in its original state.
Never SleepsThe object is never considered to be sleeping, i.e. immobilized and doing nothing.
Force RealtimeThe object never postpones its updates.
Cull distance

Each renderable object has this parameter. It allows you to completely disable any object by a certain distance. This is very helpful for fuzzy indoor areas where portals are not possible or inefficient.

  • For example, many of our decoration props inside destroyed wooden houses have this parameter set to 70 meters.
  • After setting it, make sure you do a thorough test review of this location by moving the camera back and forth to check if there is any noticeable popping.
  • Be careful when copying objects from one location to another – they may have this parameter set which is not suitable for the new area.
TransformPositionMoving the selected rabbit hole according to the given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.
RotationRotating the selected rabbit hole according to the given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.
ScaleScaleScaling the selected rabbit hole according to the given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.
UniformMultiplier that applies to all three axes at once, allows to edit the scale simultaneously on three axes.
Random rotation

Random rotation of the selected rabbit hole according to the given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.

You can set limits to constrain results of the random rotation. For example, you might want to allow rotation of your trees in full 360° on the Y axis, whereas you might want to limit their rotation to just 5° on the X axis so that they don't grow upside down.

When use you use the "paste here" function (Ctrl+V), your pasted object will receive a uniquely random transformation.

Random scale
TypeStatic Data KeyName of the object type. One class might have several different types. For example, you can create several weapons of the same type. They will have the same set of static properties but their values will be different.
GroupEditor group name (optional).
Bounding SizeAABB (axis-aligned bounding box) size.
Last modified byName of the person who was the last to modify the selected object.
TagThe tag assigned by the user.
Lock TransformThis locks the object's movement, scaling, and rotation in the scene. They can still be changed in the Properties window. When the map reloads, this will automatically unlock.
Lock to HeightmapObjects can be locked to the heightmap and remain attached to the terrain even when the terrain is modified.
LayerLayer on which the object lies.
Fixed BBLocks the bounding box size for the object in Exodus SDK.
Fixed BB ExtAmount of meters on each axis to increase the bounding box.
Force Draw/Pick BBDraws the object bounding box.
Visible for Outdoor MapIf enabled, the objects are treated as visible when the terrain map is generated.
Visible for Light ProbeIf enabled, the objects are treated as visible when the light prop is generated.
Accept SnapIf enabled, this allows snapping for the object.
Skip Check InvisibleIf enabled, the invisibility check is skipped.
Skip Check DuplicateIf enabled, the duplicate check is skipped.
PPS EnabledEnables per pixel selection for the object.
UI Tag (Debug only)Information for debugging.

Reflectable?If enabled, the object will be reflectable.
Cast AO?If enabled, the object will cast Ambient Occlusion (recommended: TRUE, can be turned off for performance).
Ghost?If enabled, disables the render of the effect, making it invisible.
Shadow CastIf enabled, the object will cast shadows (recommended: TRUE, can be turned off for performance).
Slow RenderIn some cases, it eliminates the blinking of the object.
Disable Impostors

Used to improve performance. A function that replaces the 3d model with a 2d image at a great distance from the camera: true/false.

DAO: AutoSets the object's illumination. If disabled, it will show this: DAOValue.
DAO: ValueSets the object's illumination.
AUX: ValueSets value of the shader's external parameter.

ModelAllows to select a model for the object.
Texture PresetAllows to select a texture preset for the object.
Startup AnimationAllows to select an animation for the object.
Bone partPart of the bone that is used for animation.
Start frameThe frame from which the motion will be played.
SpeedSpeed value of the motion.
Speed ReplaceAffects the speed of motion playback. If enabled, uses Speed value as the motion speed, otherwise, final speed is the multiplication of the Speed value and the predefined motion speed. Applies only to the entity without AS.
Force PausedIf enabled, force pauses object motion.
Force Looped

This option lets you override the default loop mode of your selected motion. 

  • None = use default motion parameters (specific for each motion).
  • Not looped = never loop the motion.
  • Looped = always loop the motion. Note that looped motions don't fire Finish events.
VS Active (Editor only)Attaches a Visual Script to the target object. You can select which script to attach in the properties. Don't leave the 'name' property empty, otherwise it won't work. 

SoundAllows to select sound for the object.
VolumeAllows you to adjust the volume of the sound being played.

Allows to apply a filter for the sound being played:

  • Gas mask
  • Radio
  • Horn speaker
  • Intercom
  • Closed door
  • Through water

ParticlesAllows to select particle system for the object.
ActiveIf false, disables particles.
ConstrainedIf enabled, the particles will exist in the coordinate system of the parent object (synchronous offsets and rotations).
Ignore Parent RotationThe particle system ignores the parent object's transform. This is often used to play particles "upright" despite the object's movement. For example, the car will always cast smoke effects upward despite its rotation or roll.
Mesh sourceIf enabled, the particle may be used as a mesh source, i.e playing directly at the object. Then the spawn points will be set to the object's vertices.

This set of parameters is a basic scheme for the manifestation of an NPC's interests in game objects.
Min ImportanceIf the value of Interest>Min Importance in any object is below this value, the NPC will not pay attention to this object.
Max ImportanceIf the value of Interest>Max Importance in any object is higher than this value, the NPC will not pay attention to this object.
Interest TypeIt is used in the Dialog Manager to filter the reaction to an object (dialog).
DurationThe delay time between the change of interests (at least once in four seconds).
SpeedThe speed of a turnaround to the object of interest. 1 – maximum, 0 – minimum.
DistanceAn NPC will not take into account the interests of objects located further than the specified distance from the NPC.
Max Angle XCapture angle by X. If the writing is outside of an NPC, then it does not pay attention to the object of interest.
Max Angle YCapture angle by Y. If the writing is outside of an NPC, then it does not pay attention to the object of interest.
Static Check Angle MultiplierMultiplier for the angles Max Angle X and Max Angle Y. The result is angles for using Static Search. If the writing is outside of them, then it does not use Static logic.
ScriptLabelsAllows to assign a label. If an object has only one label, it should be the same as the name of the object. This approach significantly simplifies reading the script, since it immediately becomes clear which object this label belongs to.
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