Edit Geom

Edit Geom


Edit Geom is the most basic tool for level construction in Exodus SDK. It can be useful in early stages of production for rapid prototyping of levels and objects, as well as for level construction by those who do not have access to 3D modeling tools. 

Placement and Setup

There are several ways to add an Edit Geom to a level:

  1. Look for General \ edit geom in the Entities Toolbar.

  2. Look for edit geom in the Entity List window.

Transformation and Manipulation

  1. Scale (shortcut to enable: H or R). 

       2. Move (shortcut to enable: W or T). 


       3. Rotate (shortcut to enable: E or Y).

Main Properties

BaseTransformPositionThe current position of the edit geom object.
RotationThe current rotation of the edit geom object.

Accept DecalsIf enabled, this allows you to accept decals on edit geom. 
Accept FoliageIf enabled, this allows you to accept foliage on edit geom.
ShapesShape 00, 01,...TypeHalf Size The size of edit geom. 

TextureAllows you to select a texture for edit geom.
ShaderAllows you to select a shader for edit geom.

Metrics and Checkers 

  • One cube is half-size (0.5).
  • 1 meter = 0.5 of scale.
  • checker - use the texture "tile\tile_ph"

While you're working with edit geoms, we recommend using the transformation snap-to-grid of 10cm and rotation snap-to-grid of 90 degrees.


  • A building with a window and a door.


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