Terrain (Object)

Terrain (Object)


Terrain object is a surface of a game's location on which dynamic game objects move. The terrain is the base for the placement of game statics. There are valleys, mountains, caves, and uneven or sloped ground. You can easily modify both shape and appearance by using a range of tools.


  • Terrain must be assigned to a heightmap. It doesn't create a "flat" heightmap as other engines do.
  • You need to adjust the scale of the terrain entity. X, Y, Z should be the real-size of the map. So, if you are making a map that is 40km x 1km x 20km, the values for XYZ should be respectively 40000, 1000, 20000.
  • The engine only allows ONE terrain per level.
  • All maps (heightmap, diffuse, etc.) for your terrain must be in the level terrain folder (e.g. Maps/mycustommap/terrain/...). If there is no terrain folder there, please create one.
  • Terrain is automatically assigned to a lightmap on the Super Static Tool. No need to create a sector.
  • If your terrain has black shadows or artifacts, use the Super Static Tool to Calculate Terrain AO. Note:this takes a long time even with density 0.001, so consider this before you bake AO.
  • Use the entity "Terrain → Rabbit Hole" to create holes in the terrain.

Terrain Setup

Before you launch the Terrain Tool, you need to:

  1. Save the level.
  2. Add the object of terrain to your level from the Entity List.

If you want to add the new height maps, you need to put them into the following folder: root\content\maps\your_level\terrain\


Object name
TransformPositionMoving the selected rabbit hole according to given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.
ScaleScaleScaling the selected rabbit hole according to given numerical values along the 3 grid axes X, Y, Z.
UniformMultiplier that applies to all three axes at once, allows to edit the scale simultaneously on three axes.
Random scale

Recommended to use this option disabled.

TypeStatic Data KeyName of the object type. One class might have several different types. For example, you can create several weapons of the same type. They will have the same set of static properties but their values will be different.
GroupEditor group name (optional).
Bounding SizeAABB (axis-aligned bounding box) size.
Last modified byName of the person who was the last to modify the selected object.
TagTag assigned by the user.
Lock TransformThis locks the object's movement, scaling, and rotation in the scene. When the map reloads, this will automatically lock.
Lock to Heightmap

Terrain locked to the heightmap.

LayerLayer on which the object lies.
TerrainEditMore details you can see in Terrain Tool.
HeightmapAllows to choose a height map.
Diffuse mapAllows to choose a diffuse map.
ShaderAllows to choose a shader.
preview_detail_paintAllows to preview mask for foliage: true/false.
td_fadeDisabled / Clipped (1.000f) / Fade (2.000f). Recommended to use this option disabled.
PaintYou can see more details in the Terrain Tool.
Lightmap sectionForce DensityLightmap density on the level: true/false. Recommended: TRUE, can be turned off for performance.
DensityValue of the density of the light map at the level.
Super Static OnlyAllows to preview super static on level: true/false.
Use jitteringtrue/false (Recommended to use this option disabled).
Cache Resultstrue/false (Recommended to use this option disabled).
Cache Batchestrue/false (Recommended to use this option disabled).
Pixels Batch Size

AO Quality: normal (362 rays) – normal AO detail; draft (16 rays) – this casts only 16 rays for every pixel of AO texture which speeds up the process significantly but degrades the quality.

Spatial SubdivisionAllows to subdivide terrain by sectors.
Ignored CellsRecommended to use this option disabled.
Ray Length IndoorAllows to set ray length indoor.
Ray Length OutdoorAllows to set ray length outdoor.
Indoor RatioIntensity of the lightmap's short rays.
Outdoor RatioIntensity of the lightmap's long rays.
AO ScaleAllows you to set a number of rays per pixel of the AO texture.
Sector nameSector name.
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